Saturday, December 17, 2022

A superfan of "Today" host Sheinelle warns Janet Jackson not to act strange.

 Janet Jackson's Friday appearance on the NBC morning programme "Today," where Sheinelle Jones works as a producer, gave the superfan a chance to fulfil her fantasy.

Jackson was having a quiet conversation with the show's six hosts when Jones, who was introduced as "perhaps the best Janet Jackson mimic of all time," seized the opportunity to express her real feelings to her idol. Jones got up and approached the celebrity, prompting co-host Dylan Dreyer to remark, "Sheinelle, don't get strange."

Jackson said sincerely that Jones should join her, stating that she'd been seeking for someone to come out and dance with her on a song or two. This happened shortly after co-host Craig Melvin joked that Jones could join Jackson on tour.

Jones assured Dreyer, "I'm not going to get strange," and then said, "Let me stay in my body." She was about to express her actual emotions.

Jackson, 56, was informed by Jones, 44, that she had developed a taste for TV and entertainment as a result of her upbringing in Wichita, Kansas, where she had been "surrounded by greatness."

She explained to the performer why she valued him so highly: "If you can see it, you can be it. And I consider the women and girls I used to watch on TV, as there weren't many individuals who resembled me back then, forty years ago.

"So, after seeing Rudy Huxtable, I wished I were Rudy. On "A Different World," I saw Denise Huxtable and wanted to visit Hillman. I then came across Phylicia Rashad. Then I caught sight of you: fierce, exposed, quirky, and gorgeous. You could dance about anything. You would be timid before getting up on stage, but as soon as you did, you would "slay" before the term was ever pronounced.

Jackson observed while beaming broadly. Jones continued on.

Before "the Beyoncés of the world" arrived on the scene, the "What Have You Done for Me Lately" singer, according to her, allowed women and girls to witness their accomplishment.

Jones stated, "My 10-year-old kid can navigate through Instagram and see all of these faces." I was unable to scroll. I just noticed you. I was in my basement, a key dangling from my ear, and there were images of cheerleaders on one wall. On one wall, I had Wichita news anchors and you.

"And you're going on tour right now!" Melvin made a joke.

Jackson assured the group that she never grows weary of hearing sentiments similar to those Jones had just made.

"It's part of why you do what you do, hoping you could make a difference, even if it's just in the lives of one person — you've accomplished, you've succeeded," Jackson said. "To hear you say that makes me feel so amazing."

After Jackson had left, Jones informed Melvin and Dreyer that the conversation had not been planned in advance.

I had been planning on keeping quiet, but then I reasoned, "You know what? I don't want to regret not saying something or letting her know what she did for a lot of ladies who look like me," Jones said.

What the people at home did not see was security tackling you as she left Studio 1A, Melvin, who is always quick with a joke, quipped.

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