Monday, January 2, 2023

After the collision, Jeremy Renner is in a "serious but stable condition."

 A spokeswoman for Jeremy Renner announced on Sunday that the actor is in a "critical but stable condition" after being gravely hurt in a snow-plow accident.

According to a representative for the Hawkeye actor, "We can confirm Jeremy is in critical but stable condition with injuries sustained after encountering a weather-related mishap while ploughing snow earlier today."

They said, "His family is around him, and he is getting first-rate treatment.

Renner was evacuated to the hospital, according to Deadline.

According to eyewitness claims, Renner was clearing the road within a quarter mile from his Reno, Nevada house so his family could leave after a snowstorm, according to TMZ.

According to reports, he was bleeding profusely as a result of the injury, so a doctor neighbour applied a tourniquet on his leg until emergency personnel could be sent.

According to TMZ, cops seized the Sno-Cat at the site at 8 p.m.

Local authorities reported that the actor was taken in a care flight to a nearby hospital on Sunday morning after sustaining a "traumatic injury."

In a statement, the Washoe County Sheriff's Office reported that on Sunday morning at 9am, it "responded to a traumatic injury in the area of Mt Rose Highway in Reno, Nevada." The incident, which was under investigation, was said to just involve Renner.

Throughout his acting career, the 51-year-old actor has received two Academy Award nominations for his roles in The Hurt Locker and The Town. He rose to fame by playing the superhero Clint Barton, popularly known as Hawkeye, in Marvel movies and by playing a part in the Mission: Impossible movie series.

Overlooking Lake Tahoe in the Sierra Nevada mountains, Renner owns a ranch. On New Year's Eve, the area was devastated by a winter storm that caused 35,000 houses to lose electricity. Over the last week, the "blizzard of the century" affected a large portion of the US, killing at least 60 people nationwide.

Over the weekend, authorities issued warnings about ice roads and winter driving conditions to people who made travel plans through the Sierra Nevada.

Renner posted a picture of the local snowfall on Twitter on December 13 along with the caption, "Lake Tahoe snowstorm is no joke."

He shared multiple videos of himself operating a snow plough on Instagram, tagging one with the caption "Nearly done with sledding slope for the kids."

Next up for Renner is the second season of the crime drama Mayor of Kingstown, which will premiere on Paramount+ in two weeks.

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