Love, passion, and love are deceiving colors. What we see in the beloved is just as we see in the rainbow. The beauty of the rainbow colors is not from the rainbow itself, but from the action of sunlight on the rain spray suspended in the air.. If the sun sets and the rain dries up, the colors disappear and Beauty is gone .
And so is your beloved, her beauty in what is revealed to her from her Creator.. If the manifestation is cut off from her, she will become old, sick, wither, and return to an ugliness that has no attractiveness.. What she possessed of beauty was not originally her property, but was a loan and advance .
Even the sweet dispositions, sweet souls, and noble traits are some of the names of our Creator, the Generous, the Kind, the Merciful, the Forgiving, the Merciful.. Are
n't these His names...!?
And do we love when we love except His Most Beautiful Names, wherever and whenever they are fulfilled ?
And do we love when we love except His Divine Presence in each of its forms ?
And the Wise, the All-Knowing, who realized this truth, turned his love to the his Lord, and did not pay attention to the mediations, nor did he let the tinsel of colors hinder him..and he did not stop with people..for he is one of the people of determination that does not attach to him except with his Lord..he has saved himself Disappointment and hopelessness and deception of colors .
He loved those who do not abandon, adored those who do not slacken, attached to those who do not miss, attached to those who do not die, and the owner of the one who has the whole matter and contributed to the central bank from which all cash comes out .. and he is important to the friendly, truly, in essence, qualities and actions .
And that is the doctrine of those who know love .
So did you know ...
and if you knew.. so are you able .
The doctrine of the gnostics is not merely knowledge . As for the attachment of the heart to the one who has nothing like it, then
it is a higher rank that can only be reached by toil, struggle and determination .
Supplication, worship, obedience, submission, reverence, humiliation, and detachment, and this is a rank that cannot be attained by a university degree, a master’s degree, a doctorate, or an intellectual achievement. And the eye and the ear, and there is no way to it except by taking off the sandals .
You take off your body and your soul ..
and the people's intention here is not empty renunciation and idleness.. but rather that you take off your luck, your selfishness, your lust, your greed, and your personalities, and that you return to the primordial, impersonal purity in which you give and love without regard to personal luck or Self-return.. It is a state of work, giving, and giving, not a state of empty asceticism and nullification.. At its peak, it is a state of redemption and sacrifice for the sake of upholding the word of God.. A sacrifice that does not look at a medal or a monument.. But it gives money and Blood and soul for the sake of God alone .
The knowledgeable say that the table of martyrdom is the highest table of honour, and there is no entry to it except with an invitation card from its owner. And there is no entry into it by way of intrusion, coercion or arrogance.. Rather, it is an invitation from the generous, which is
received by the lucky one by takbiyah and haste, and the disadvantaged receives it by laziness, abandonment, and backwardness. Cinema and authors of romantics, and it is also different from love for the majority of people .. where love is passion, fire, lust, crime, naked breasts and jewelry. And moments that shine with poetry, then soon fade and turn off, leaving ashes of lies.
This is how the Qur’an teaches us that the many do not know, but the knowers are few, but the press that addresses the multitude, the cinema that flatters the masses, the authors who covet popularity, and the poets who are followed by the deceivers, singing other colors of love. And they wander together in the valleys of heedlessness that lead us to the madness of Qais, the suicide of Juliet, the fall of the monk of Tais, the shamelessness of Valentino, the crimes of Al Capone and the tables of Monte Carlo .
And our producers are more modest, as they are satisfied with the cabarets of Al-Haram Street .
And it is something as old as history, since the days of Babylon, and since the days of Antony and Cleopatra, and since the days of the Pharaohs, the Greeks, and the Romans.. And we read in the Book of the Dead these lines that were written by the Egyptian sage five thousand years ago .
Do not look at your neighbor's woman, for a thousand men have deviated from the right path because of that.. It is a short moment like a dream, and regret follows .
They are old acquaintances since the days of Adam.. and a defunct story since the killing of Abel .
But no one remembers.. no one considers.. and no one learns from the lesson .
And most of those who know do not benefit from their knowledge because of the weakness of determination, the failure of the souls, and the predominance of desires .
The stairs to the upper floors exist all the time, but no one bothers to climb the stairs, and the majority live and die in the basement ...
And if one of them had bothered to climb... and endured the hardship of climbing and watched the view from above, he would have cried with regret for Omar He lived in the basement among pleasures that are worth nothing, but it is the weakness that gnaws at the bodies .
And humanity moves from the weak to the weaker, and the new generations are weaker and more desperate for the urgent and vanishing pleasures. Read the article from the beginning and ask yourself.. from what rank of people are you.. do you know.. and if you know. So are you able .
And weep as much as you want, for nothing is worth crying over.. not your poverty, failure, backwardness, or illness.. all of this can be rectified. As for the sin that deserves to be weeping, it is the sin of distance from your God.. if you lose your God.. then there is
nothing He will compensate you .
And all the dreams of poets will not enrich you with anything .
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