Monday, January 2, 2023

How to treat mental addiction in relation to sex addiction and disorder

Please take the time to read this entire essay if you are currently struggling with addiction. Despite the fact that the symptom of "addiction" is more alluring, knowing oneself is more important than the addiction itself.

People often struggle with addiction; there are many various types of mental addiction, including those to pornography, sex, food, relationships, and other things.

Similar to drug and alcohol addiction, substance addiction is not covered in this topic. Addiction to substances has a connection to addiction to the mind, but because the drug changes and affects the neuron cells, it is a separate issue that requires professional and medical care. Please avoid using any drugs or alcohol; it is not enjoyable at all.

This categorisation is false because it can lead to many other kinds of addiction; nonetheless, addiction itself is the problem, not porn or romantic relationships or anything else.

Many people want to use the internet to validate their problem by looking up the symptoms of each "kind" of addiction, but doing so can lead them into a trap.

Addiction is much subtler than it first appears to be; for instance, narcissism is fundamentally also a form of addiction; for this reason, relying on symptoms that can be verbally described is rather limited and misleading. What matters is that one understands oneself, not just thinking about how to deal with the addiction, which is another form of addiction.

The nature of the addiction counts more than "something," as there is just addiction and not addiction to anything.

It is rather simple to confirm an addiction because you can see the impulse to repeat a behaviour in yourself and the resulting discomfort.

To end an addiction, one must fully comprehend it, which requires staying with the addiction and careful observation.

When someone has an addiction, they constantly desire to psychologically overcome it, yet doing so prevents them from watching and understanding. Can you spot this inclination in yourself? Can you stop wanting something and just stay with the problem instead of trying to avoid it?

Addiction is a way of thinking; it exists as long as there is a desire for pleasure. Consider the example of a person who is addicted to porn; when they watch or listen to porn, they enjoy it much because it stimulates their sexual urges, which is what they are wanting to enjoy.

To elicit sexual experiences, the mind keeps playing back the sights and noises. The mind initially experiences immense pleasure—satisfaction, fulfilment, and everything else—but this "replaying" because of the pleasure turns into a loop. Because the mind is constantly changing and opposing any pattern, there is always tension when a loop or pattern forms. The mental challenges brought on by this conflict are expressed in a wide range of verbally stated symptoms, but the symptoms are the wrong focus and can serve as a diversion that prevents one from dealing with the problem.

To understand what is being said in this essay, you must observe yourself in the real world rather than being introduced to any theories. Otherwise, it becomes another trap and the mind stops paying attention to and learning from what is being said here.

Ending the cycle is the only way to break the cycle of addiction, and you can't achieve it by mental restraint because that doesn't solve anything and might even make the problem worse.

To interrupt the cycle of pleasure-seeking is to break it. Can you let go of something enjoyable? People are typically reluctant to give up pleasure because they believe it to be the entire purpose in life, therefore they cling to it. Do you notice yourself thinking in this way?

Pleasure-seeking is the root of all mental difficulties since it steals life's delight. Life is full of delight when one isn't seeking pleasure, but you have to find it by doing something—letting go of any pleasure—or else what is being said is the speaker's perspective, not your reality.

The focus has naturally shifted to "stop the pleasure-seeking" because up to this point in the investigation, we have discovered that ending the addiction also means ending the need for pleasure.

Can you stop looking for pleasure? Can you totally exist in the moment without thinking searching?

Consider the addiction to relationships as an example. While the mind enjoys the pleasure provided by the mental images of the relationship and is unwilling to give up that enjoyment, the reality of relationships is that people change and that everything is dynamic, in contrast to the mind's static and unchanging mental images. Therefore, everyone in the partnership suffers as a result of these mental conflicts.

The relationship can only ever exist in this time and beyond any mental imagery; all other mental representations are just an illusion from which one can get pleasure. Because of this, enjoying the moment as it comes really strengthens the connection, whereas addiction breaks it down.

Living in the moment fully necessitates intense self-reflection and observation, which inevitably leads to the issue of true meditation - truly comprehending oneself. To aid in one's comprehension and observation, this website offers timeless material on self-inquiry. It is still up to you to pay attention to the problems, seek the truth, and take action in response to your learning.

This article tries to help you navigate the problems and concentrate on what is right, which is to live fully in the moment without seeking pleasure. This is the entire process of meditation.

It doesn't matter if you don't fully understand what was said in this essay because you haven't yet perceived it. You will automatically comprehend what it implies in its entirety when you genuinely engage in self-inquiry since your actions do matter.

This post was written with just goodness and concern for each individual person in mind. I hope you can value self-inquiry and discover the highest level of clarity for yourself.

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