Sunday, January 8, 2023

Creation story

Creation story

Creation story

The Qur’an has its style that differs from all methods.. when it refers to a scientific issue, it does not present it as Einstein presented it with equations.. nor as a (biologist) presents it by narrating anatomical details.. but rather presents it with allusions, symbols, metaphors, and metaphors. A quick glimpse and a phrase that flashes in the mind like a flash of lightning. He throws a word that his contemporaries may miss understanding and interpretation.. but he knows that history and the future will explain this word and prove it in detail.

((We will show them Our signs on the horizons and in themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth)) (53 - Fussilat)

And God says of his words:

((And none knows its interpretation except Allah..)) (7 - Al-Imran)

He says about the Qur'an:

((Then We have to explain it)) (19 - Resurrection)

That is, he will explain and explain it in the future of ages and ages.

So what did the Qur’an say about the story of creation?

He says of God in the first beginning:

((Then He directed Himself to the sky while it was smoke..)) (11 - Fussilat)

In the beginning it was something like smoke from which the universe with its stars and suns came:

((The night overlaps the day and the day overlaps the night..)) (5 - Al-Zumar)

It is a verse that cannot be explained except by imagining that the earth is spherical and the night and day are like two hemispheres, sliding one over the other due to the continuous rotation of this sphere. :

((And the moon we estimated it for phases until it returned like the old lame)) (39 - Yaseen)

And the Arjun is the old, withered branch of the palm tree, with no greenery, no water, and no life.

((It is not necessary for the sun to overtake the moon, nor should the night precede the day, and all swim in an orbit.)) (40 - Ya-Seen)

Rather, it describes space as having roads, streams, and pathways.

((By the sky with your weaves)) (7 - Adh-Dhariyat)

And your love is the tracks.

He describes the earth as being like an egg:

((And the earth after that He spread it out)) (30 - Al-Nazi’at)

And he flattened it, that is, made it like an egg (the egg), which agrees with the latest astronomical opinions about the shape of the earth.

It introduces the idea of hidden movement behind the apparent stillness:

((And you see the mountains, thinking that they are rigid, while they pass by as the clouds pass..)) (88 - An-Naml)

The likeness of a mountain to a cloud is an analogy that suggests to the mind a loose, loose atomic formation, which is what the mountain is actually on, so the rigid forms are only an illusion, and everything consists of atoms in a state of movement..and the whole earth with its mountains is in a state of movement.

And what the old commentators say about this verse describing what will happen on the Day of Resurrection.. is an incorrect interpretation because the Day of Resurrection is the day of certainty and clear-eyed, and it is not said on such a day ((and you see the mountains and you count them)).. so there is no reason for doubt about it. that day.

((And they ask you about the mountains, so say: My Lord will blow them away)) (Taha 105)

This is the resurrection in truth, there is no room here for the eye to see and think the thing is standing while it is blowing up.. The verse then describes the state of the mountains in the world and it cannot be otherwise.

Then the Qur’an tells us after that what happens to the rain water:

((Have you not seen that God sent down water from the sky and made it flow into springs on the earth..)) (21 - Al-Zumar)

Thus, he explains the cycle of groundwater from the sky to the surface of the earth to its hollow to underground reservoirs and then to fountains and springs that return to the surface of the earth again.

Then comes the mention of life.

((And We made from water every living thing..)) (30 - The Prophets)

((And God created every animal from water..)) (45 - An-Nur)

((You disbelieved in Him who created you from dust..)) (Al-Kahf 37)

((And when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I am creating a human being out of clay, out of aged sludge.” (Al-Hijr 28)

The aged sludge is the fermented, rancid mud.

Sometimes he mentions that life was created from water, and another time he mentions that it was created from dust, then he returns and specifies and says from mud, or to be precise, the stinky, fermented water mixed with dirt.. which is a strange and accurate agreement with the discoveries of science after a thousand and four hundred years

And in Surat Al-A’raf, he tells in more detail:

((And We created you, then fashioned you, then said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam.” So they prostrated, except for Iblis, who was not among those who prostrate.) (Al-A’raf 11)

In this verse, it is specified that the creation of man took place in stages of time

((We created you, then fashioned you, then said to the angels: “Prostrate before Adam”)) (Al-A’raf 11)

And time in the divine sense is very long:

((And a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of what you count)) (47 - Hajj)

And elsewhere:

((The angels and the spirit ascend to Him on a day the length of which is fifty thousand years)) (4 - Al-Ma’arij)

These, then, are the days of God.. and they are something like eternity and eras for us. If God said, We created you, then we formed you.. Then the picture was completed by the creation of Adam, so we said to the angels, prostrate to Adam.. This means that Adam came through stages of creation, formation, and leveling that took millions of years. In our time and days in the eternal time of God..

((And He created you in phases)) (Noah 14)

What it means is that before Adam there were forms and types of creatures, of which he came to the peak

((Did there ever come upon man a time when he was not something mentioned)) (1 - Al-Insan)

A reference to an outdated stage of time when man was not worth anything. And the Qur’an says about God that He is:

((He who gave everything its creation and then guided)) (50 - Taha)

That is, he guided the process of evolution until it reached its climax in Adam.

((And there is no animal on the earth and no bird that flies with its wings but nations like you..)) (38 - Al-An'am)

((And God caused you to grow plants from the earth)) (Noah 17)

A close link between the human nation and the nations of animals and birds, then a link between humans, animals and plants.

((And We have certainly created man from an offspring of clay)) (12 - The Believers)

And it is an explicit indication that man was not created from clay in the beginning.. but was created from strains that came from clay.. there

An intermediate stage between man and clay.. It is many successive strains that were a prelude to the emergence of the superior human type.. Then the Qur’an tells us about the creation of the embryo, telling us that the creation of bones precedes the creation of muscles:

((So We made the embryonic bones and clothed the bones with flesh..)) (14 - The Believers)

It is known in embryology that the formation of the backbone preceded the formation of muscles, and about this formation he says:

((He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in three darkness..)) (6 - Al-Zumar)

He reveals to us the creation inside the womb, describing it as taking place in phases... creation after creation... and that it takes place within three darknesses... and the three darknesses are: the darkness of the abdomen, the darkness of the womb, and the darkness of (the amniotic cover).. Each chamber is inside the other. ..and the fetus is in its heart, which are anatomical facts..or are the three darknesses of the membranes that make up the fetus itself, which is another fact.
((And that He created the two spouses, the male and the female, from a sperm-drop when he desired)) (45, 46 - An-Najm).

And we know now that the sperm that is ejaculated is the one that determines the sex of the newborn, whether it is male or female, and not the egg, because it is the only one that contains the sex-determining factors.
How did the Qur’an come with these approvals that agreed with the results of science, research and strenuous efforts over hundreds of years!..a coincidence?!

And if we accept one coincidence, how do we accept the rest?

And how can an illiterate prophet come to mind with problems, issues and facts that his era did not know?.. and did not appear until more than one thousand three hundred years after his death?

And if we take the atheist Western interpretation, which sees in those words that come from Muhammad’s tongue a picture of the activity of a subconscious mind that is completely open to the absolute truth. God and contact with him only revelation specific.

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