How did the cells come together in the embryo of the plant to form a flower? And how it arose
The flower has feminine organs and male organs, then the bees came with an instinct that they do not realize to transfer pollen grains from the male organs to the female organs, thus creating a fertilized egg that then turns into a seed.
Then a cold wave comes, and the air becomes cloudy, and the clouds fall as rain.. and the water droplets creep into the cracks until they reach the roots, so they strive through their hairy channels until they reach the stems and branches, and climb until they reach the flower to water it again. With its colors, the music of pollination and procreation continues, fruits and seeds come out, and the harvest time comes, and hands stretch out to gather and pick, and the apple reaches your table, so you eat and be satisfied, forgetting this chain of unseen soldiers that have been working at your service since the rising of the sun, and you do not know.. and they are also the same.
You don't know? He is God behind all who commands the elements and manages everything.
Who planted you the plains and the slopes of the mountains? And who planted the forests for you that came out like satanic plants around the equator, and there are coconuts, pineapples, and everything your heart desires? And who froze the water at the poles so that it flows after that in the spring and summer to fill the sources of the rivers so that there will be greenery, legumes, fruits and a rich table of every kind..?!!
And who drives you whales and fish to your shore to hunt and eat these various meals rich in elements and vitamins?!
Have you seen how pomegranates and grape clusters lined up in their picks like agate coral earrings?!
It is clear that there was a pre-arrangement for all of this.. and that there was preparation for this generous and generous banquet.. and geologists.. say that the earth was at its beginning different from the earth.. and the atmosphere was different from the atmosphere.. and that iron came to the earth from particles ejected from stars Explosive in the far reaches of the galaxy in far space
And We sent down iron, in which there is great strength and benefits for people (25 Al-Hadid). Iron came to us from the sky with amazing heavenly mining and equipment.
And this strength would not have been completed and that hardness would not have arisen had it not been for those particles and their formative action in the iron atom to create the coherent iron that we know in its strength, strength and hardness.. and to establish countless arsenals and weapons industries
And the earth that split into flats, plates, continents, and oceans...and the heavens that extended into boundless spaces.
And the sky We built it with hands, and we are expanding (47 - Al-Dhariyat), a reference to the continuous expansion by hidden forces.
And the galaxies have already diverged since their inception.. and the stellar clusters are in continuous glorification and calculated divergence, and space is getting wider.. as if a balloon is expanding, widening, and about to explode.. it is a tremendous formative instrumental.. led by a great maestro like nothing else.. a creative creator
There are no limits to his abilities.. He is the Lord and maker of this universe.
This is his amazing.. wondrous world
So what about our world? What about our upbringing?
God created our father Adam and our mother Eve in a perfect world, then God brought us down from it because of disobedience and the seduction of Satan
And Adam disobeyed his Lord, so he deceive(121- Taha)
He said, "Go down from it, all of you, enemies to each other."(123- Taha)
Thus, our descent from the perfect world to the world of toil, trials, conflict, enemies and wars was our descent into the land of trial and suffering, and the final wisdom in this suffering was the test, examination, sorting and classification, where the ranks come in the end according to their merits. In our world we experience similar stages of sorting and classification in The stages of our education from primary to secondary to university to graduate studies..to the highest grades. Where you can invent and innovate, and you have rights and intellectual property that you sell to whoever you want at the price you want and become a Nobel Prize holder and a millionaire.
The useful conclusion is that this universe in which we live has a meaning.. and that the world is a hypothetical model for its end, which will come later to be perfect in its bliss, perfect in its punishment.. for those who pass this exam.. and for those who fail in it as well.
No injustice today
This is how the hymn of the heavens, including the creatures of the hour of the end, will be.. Because planning is great, justice is absolute, and construction is extremely precise.. No injustice today.. Splendor in everything
But you see all this from the beginning in the leaf of the tree.. in the wing of the butterfly.. in the web of the spider.. in the corn.. in the galaxy.. in the clamor of nightingales.. in the song of the birds.. in the quest of the snake to its hole.. and in the hum of the bee around live it
And you see this in the living cell, in the miracle of the gene, in the protein molecule, in the fingerprint
And you hear with your ears an echo of this amazing composition in a symphony by Beethoven, and in the song of Karawan in the middle of the night.. and in the voice of Fayrouz when it resonates in her Rahbani operas.. and in the voice of Sayyid Darwish when he shouts in his lofty voice.. I am the Egyptian.. the generous of the two races.. and all history erupts with The uprising of his voice.. as if all time stopped to listen.. and then he knew with certainty.. why did God mention Egypt by name in the Holy Qur’an in seven places.. and he did not mention Russia, America, England, or France.. because Egypt is the cradle of all worships.. and the mother of history
Our Lord has mentioned the two fingers in the Holy Qur’an and that He will restore the image of the fingerprint to its original on the Day of Resurrection as it was in this world with its owner
Indeed, we are able to straighten its fingertips and know now.. what is a fingerprint.. and what is the aspect of miraculousness in it.. and how two fingerprints are not alike from the beginning of creation until the Day of Resurrection.. it is a fleeting gesture.. but it makes the mind goosebumps
The speaker is great and knowledgeable in comprehensive encyclopedic knowledge. He speaks from the threshold of absolute sincerity, and we have nothing but listening and reverence.
We thank our Lord that we were born Arabs. We know our Arabic language smoothly and understand it with taste.
I do not like to deviate from the main meaning or from the essence of the context that I chose from the beginning of the article.. that there is a wise deliberate measure in everything.. and that there is no place for chance.. and there is no site for randomness.. and if randomness occurs, then it has a role in the general construction. And it will be necessary in the course of events.. and its time will not be random, but it will be an intentional measure
Everything that happened was planned, intended, and intended from the beginning.. There was a will behind everything that happened
And there was a Creator, Creator and Creator
And what happened had to happen
There is no superfluous member in your face
Distortion, if it occurs, a plastic surgeon appears to treat it
And every herb is an integrated pharmacy
The ant is a collection of poetry in the accuracy of its composition and the multiplicity of its talents
And in the house of the ants there is order, rule, a constitution, and a language. An ant said, “O ants, enter your dwellings, lest Solomon and his soldiers destroy you.” The ant knew Solomon by name.
How do.. ?!
Is it possible for the ant to know you by your name while climbing on the wall and realizing that you are sick and in a perverted mood and telling its family your story.. Will it testify against you in the afterlife and tell about your crime..? What the ant says in the Holy Qur’an indicates that it is a whole world, despite its small size and insignificant status. It indicates that we know about it less than a little.
What is said about the ant is said about any insect, just as it is said about the microbe, the virus, and the corn. The whole world is alive and speaking in its own way. .. It is the knowledge that God singles out for His angels and His messengers
In conclusion, we are ignorant of much more than we imagine.. and that we are blind, deaf, and dumb, despite what we imagine of our fluent tongues, our knowledge of languages, and our study of physics, chemistry, computers, and software.. What we know is a drop in the sea.. What we see is just an incomplete profile, and what we hear whispering.. What we see are ghosts.. What we perceive as frameworks, structures, and addresses, while Matters and facts are mysteries, letters are secrets, and true knowledge is the knowledge of hearts that only inspired individuals can reach
And it is knowledge that can only be with the permission of the Lord of hearts
It is only for the elite of the chosen elite
The door to this knowledge is complete prostration
It is not the prostration of the body alone, but rather the prostration of the heart, the prostration of the senses, the prostration of the mind, the prostration of awareness, and submission of all perceptions to God.
And note to us about this degree of detachment, and I do not think that it comes from diligence.
The weakest knowledge is what you take from a book and what you receive from a teacher
And the greatest of scholars are the chosen ones from their Lord, and they are the messengers and those in their rank
The first stage for acquiring this knowledge is politeness, modesty, not seeing oneself in anything, and seeing God in everything.
Are you from this elite.. and can you have privacy.. and can you have a chance of inspiration
Read the article from the beginning and look back at the life around you and try to understand how its vocabulary came together to compose this wonderful symphony.
And meditate on it prostrating, admiring, fascinated.. That is the beginning of knowledge. As for the end of knowledge, it is what falls in your heart of fear, in your actions of observation, in your conscience of vigilance, and in your behavior of piety.. as Moses said, and he hastened up the mountain in response to the call of his Lord.. and the Jews scurried after him. .
They are on my trail, and I hasten to you, Lord, to satisfy you
(84- Taha)
And just as the foolish do the opposite by hastening to satisfy their whims, and God is more deserving of them satisfying Him.. the condition of the pure and righteous believers is the opposite.. they are not preoccupied with anything but the satisfaction of their Lord alone.
Ask yourself who you are trying to please in your life.. This is the important question
Religion is morals first and foremost
It is behaviour.. etiquette.. and sophistication
It is for this reason that the world and its temptations were created, so that in the end one knows where the aspiration is directed and what the desire is related to
The ascent to Arafat, the circumambulation around the Kaaba, the stoning and the Talbiyah... and jogging between Safa and Marwah... are only symbols of this relentless pursuit... and ablution and prayer are nothing but purification and mobilization for this moment
Prostration itself is a symbol of subconscious reverence
Are you humbled?!
Are you really Sajid?!
So why do you steal, bribe, lie, cheat, and paint like a chameleon with whims and interests? You are therefore a liar.. and your fate in the end.. deportation.. fall.. and the abyss.. Religion is not a wheezing of the tongue, but rather a ascent of the mind, spirit, and conscience.
Religion is not political ambitions, and it is not a means to jump on chairs and manufacture coups.
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