Monday, January 2, 2023

Tips on how to stop smoking for good and how to do so


DON'T BE DETERMINED IF YOU FAIL several times before giving up smoking because most people do! You can Remember that most people fail multiple times before successfully stopping. Your prior failures do not prove that you can't stop smoking. Instead, consider them a natural part of your path to quitting smoking.

The information provided here will make things easier for you and ensure that you never have to go through the process of quitting again. You are capable of doing it.

You might want to print out this page.

Admitting you have an addiction is the first and most crucial step to take.

You may have responded, "I just like to smoke," when asked why you smoke. or "I smoke because I want to." The tobacco industry has emphasised that smoking is a personal decision. In my opinion, the selection isn't as wide as they have suggested to their client

Ask yourself, "Am I hooked to tobacco?" and be very honest with yourself. When I smoke, am I really exercising my right to free choice?

You can think about how your body need a nicotine fix and how, for most people, addiction is psychological in nature.

According to studies, nicotine addiction is just as difficult to overcome as addiction to heroin or cocaine because it is both physiological and psychological in nature.

The first step of the 12-Step programme of Nicotine Anonymous, which evolved from the ancient Alcoholics Anonymous programme, is acknowledging to oneself that "I'm helpless over this addiction." Although admitting to smoking may seem little to you, for many people it is a very important step on the road to quitting.

The tobacco business has contributed to keeping its clients in denial about the full severity of their addiction by implying that smoking is a personal choice. What's the rush to stop smoking if it's a choice?
This marketing strategy has been employed by the cigarette industries to keep millions of consumers purchasing their lethal goods.

Admitting that you smoke more out of addiction than out of choice can encourage you to move on to the following steps, which include taking charge of your life and quitting smoking.

You will benefit further from this admission by staying smoke-free later. Remind yourself, "I have an addiction and I'm powerless over tobacco," in the months and years after you stop smoking when urges to smoke periodically overcome you — and they will." Saying this to yourself will help you find the willpower to refuse "just one" cigarette when you are overcome with desire.

The urge to smoke should be manageable or go away if you can resist it for just five minutes. You'll be able to quit smoking permanently in this manner.

For me, resigning involved two very distinct yet equally crucial stages:

  • Phase One: Getting assistance to quit
  • Phase two : Remaining smoke-free and avoiding relapse
  • phase three: Giving up with support

Genuine men ask for directions!

The most successful people frequently receive a lot of assistance. A successful businessperson or businessman hires a lawyer to draught contracts, an advertising agency to design advertisements, a marketing executive to handle marketing, an accountant to handle accounting, a doctor when they are ill, and other professionals to assist them succeed. Even the best novelists rely on editors for their insightful criticism. Genuine men ask for directions!

Sadly, 80% of smokers who decide to stop do so independently, and statistics show that 95% of these self-reliant quitters fail and resume smoking within a year. The recidivism rate is the same as with heroin. Therefore, you might want to think about seeking assistance this time!

It's reassuring to know that the majority of smokers actually experience multiple failures before finally succeeding in quitting. Your past failures have not taught you a lesson you can't learn from. Instead, they are a typical part of the process of quitting smoking.

I undoubtedly failed 11 times. Every time I failed, I grew less confident that I could actually give up. So every time I stopped, it became more difficult for me to get myself to set a date. I had started to think there was no hope.
I'm here to help you regain confidence in yourself. You CAN give up. Recognize that this is typical, despite the fact that you've failed previously multiple times. It's not just you.

Get your resolve back and give it another shot. YOU CAN DO IT.

Get a lot of aid. Enter a reputable programme, or even better, a mix of several.

Call the local American Lung or Heart Association or American Cancer Society office.

They all offer widely accepted, affordable programmes. The common, effective techniques for quitting smoking are included below, along with links to the top websites and online resources.

The best, doctor-recommended techniques include using over-the-counter nicotine replacement products like the nicotine patch or gum, which are sold at any pharmacy. Consult your doctor about any prescription drugs that might be beneficial.

The chances of quitting smoking improved by 50% to 70% with the use of nicotine replacement therapies such the patch, gum, or inhaler, according to a 1996 Cochrane Review research that was updated in November 2007. However, this is still a low success rate. Why?

Only 5% of people who stop smoking without a programme are still smoke-free after a year.

In the grand scheme of things, raising that rate from 50% to 70% still isn't much. This is the main reason Tobaccofree Earth emphasises Phase Two.

Visit our Quitlinks page as well to discover the outcomes of latest research on the most effective quitting aids.

Free live human interaction

If you reside in the US, call 1-800-QUIT NOW to receive totally free live support from a certified counsellor. Whether you are ready to leave or are just considering it, they will be happy to speak with you. This number offers live phone support and is supported by your State's cigarette cessation programme. When you call, a kind staff member will provide you with a selection of free services, including self-help books, a list of additional programmes in your area, and—best of all—telephone therapy.

Additionally, the National Cancer Institute offers free, proactive counselling by qualified staff through its smoking cessation hotline, 1-877-44U-Quit. Additionally, they have a website at, but before visiting it, please continue reading for more great resources, especially Phase Two near the bottom of this page.

Unfortunately, there is no miraculous cure.

None of these apps will make things simple, so don't count on them. None of them will accomplish that, but they WILL all significantly lessen your distress by 15% to 50%, depending on how psychologically dependent you are as opposed to physically, and this could very well be the deciding factor this time.

I'm not saying that it will be simple; it probably won't be for a few days or weeks. So strengthen your resolve and willpower because you're going to need them. Remember that you CAN succeed.

Never enquire "Does this programme work?" Instead, consider the question "Am I Willing to DO the Work?"

You're a skilled worker, aren't you? You do, I'm willing to wager.

Take advantage of Nicotine Anonymous's free meetings.

Try attending a Nicotine Anonymous meeting if you'd want to join a small group of other people who want to quit. There probably is one close to where you live. It is a 12-step programme based on AA; sessions are free and nonprofit. If there isn't one already, you can discover one nearby or learn how to create one by visiting the Nicotine Anonymous website. (Smokers' Anonymous was trademarked by a for-profit business. Instead, you choose the Nicotine Anonymous programme, which is FREE.

According to their website, "Nicotine Anonymous® is a fellowship of men and women who support one another in leading nicotine-free lifestyles. To help each other overcome this strong addiction, we share our knowledge, courage, and hope. No charges are made. Our main goal is to support those who are attempting to stop using nicotine.

Wealthy folks might struggle more than you do.

I hail from an affluent family, and I sometimes wondered whether rich people could find it more difficult to give up smoking, drinking, or dieting. Why? As a result of their habit of always receiving what they desire. The "muscles of self-denial" are significantly more developed in the less fortunate.

If you feel yourself to be wealthy, you might want to think about going to an inpatient rehab facility. Together with a group of other people who are also quitting, you would spend up to a week in a hospital.

Currently, the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota (where they also have a second location), and St. Helena Hospital in the Napa Valley of California, both offer excellent inpatient programmes. An inpatient programme lasting five to ten days is available at the St. Helena. They can be reached at 866.359.3296.

How are your self-restraint abilities? Very good, without a doubt! Can you comfortably postpone going to a restaurant that costs $60 per person or buying a brand-new car? Consider delaying your trip to Florida, Aspen, or Monte Carlo. Good! If you are able to achieve those things, there is a significant probability that you won't require an inpatient treatment and that you already possess the self-control necessary to stop smoking.However, you'll have to flex them. Yes, it may hurt a little.

A Remark on Tobacco Ads

If questioned, many teenagers would claim that tobacco advertisements have no impact on them. New research, however, indicates that advertising influences teen smoking more than peer pressure even.

And according to a recent survey, kids smoke Camels, Marlboros, and Newport cigarettes, the three brands that receive the most advertising. No accident occurred. Ads for cigarettes undoubtedly have an impact on our youth. Advertisements for tobacco may not affect your conscious mind, but they certainly affect your unconscious mind.

You're Subconscious

The unconscious mind: What is it? In a well-known experiment, the Russian scientist Pavlov trained his dog to salivate even in the absence of food by ringing a bell every time he fed it. The dog started drooling because it unconsciously connected the ringing with meals.

Ads for cigarettes influence our subconscious brains. These advertisements inadvertently link the addiction to cigarettes with powerful, uplifting images of attractive, healthy people, sports like tennis or mountain climbing, picturesque rural scenes, cowboys gathered around a campfire or on horseback, masculinity and manhood, femininity and womanhood, being a "real person," and so forth. The tobacco business was spending more than $5 billion every year as of 2000 to promote its lethal goods. That much bell ringing is excessive! And our children are aware of it.

The act of smoking is associated repeatedly with pleasurable feelings in the smoker's unconscious mind. This includes watching the smoke gently curl, placing a cigarette to one's lips, taking leisurely inhalations and exhalations, and absentmindedly handling cigarettes. Quitters frequently have the feeling of losing a best friend.

As the quitter smokes cigarettes, aversion therapy transmits unpleasant associations to their unconscious mind. This medically supported technique aids in eradicating the long-term, favourable daily connections with smoking. It aids in lessening cigarette cravings in the future. In this way, the aversion therapy technique at Schick-Shadel Treatment Centers greatly facilitates quitting.

Most smokers who are addicted to nicotine experience a physical and a half mental addiction. According to studies, the ratio changes depending on the person. Nicotine addiction has a physical component. A smoker's conscious mind declares, "I will stop smoking — no problem," with regards to the mental or psychological side. But because smoking produces pleasure, the unconscious mind has been trained to only think about that. Give me a smoke now, the subconscious urges. It exclusively acknowledges positive emotions. It disregards the goals of the conscious mind and wants a cigarette without regard for right or wrong. One strategy to combat this is aversion therapy.

When someone stops smoking, a new habit of not smoking develops. As the urges to smoke gradually disappear, the ex-smoker's unconscious mind adjusts to being a nonsmoker.

The Standard Points

Make every effort to abide by as many of these as you can. The majority of today's reliable quit-smoking products and programmes promote the following ideas. They are largely acknowledged as being a crucial and vital component of effectively quitting.

Your chances of successfully quitting this time will be hampered if you only use the patch or don't adhere to the following advice.

Perhaps the most potent and significant technique is deep breathing. Do the following each time you want a cigarette. Attempt it three times. Take the deepest breath you can manage before slowly exhaling.

Lips are pursed to force a gradual release of air. Close your eyes and let your chin to droop onto your chest as you exhale. Imagine all the stress in your body simply pouring out the other side, down the fingers and toes, and out the rest of your body. This is a very calming and centred variant of an old yoga method from India. If you put this into practise, you'll be able to apply it to every stressful circumstance you encounter in the future. And it will be your most effective tool against the intense cravings that are certain to hit you in the first few days. You will benefit much from doing this deep breathing technique. Reread this point once again while putting it to use for the first time.

three times, inhale and exhale. Check it out yourself!

Drink a lot of water and other liquids over the first several days to help your body rid itself of nicotine and other toxins.

Keep in mind that the impulse to smoke only lasts a short while before it goes away. As the days pass, the desires gradually spread further apart.

Try your hardest to avoid alcohol, sugar, and coffee during the first week or more as these things have a tendency to make you need cigarettes. Avoid fatty foods because, without nicotine, your metabolism will sluggish a bit and you risk gaining weight even if you eat the same amount as you did before you quit. Dietary discipline is therefore even more crucial today.

Nobody ever claimed that developing new habits would be simple.

Consume low-calorie snacks such as celery, apples, and carrots. Suck on cinnamon sticks or chew gum.

Spread out your meals; take little bites frequently, and eat slowly.

Instead of lighting up after dinner, reward yourself with a cup of mint tea or a peppermint treat.

In one study, nearly 25% of those who gave up found an oral alternative to be really helpful. Another 25% were completely opposed to the idea and desired a total cessation of cigarette use. The others weren't sure either. I personally thought a cigarette substitute was really helpful. One option is the nicotine inhaler, which is a shorter plastic cigarette with a changeable nicotine capsule inside. It is available only on prescription.

Simpler still are the bottled cinnamon sticks that may be found at any supermarket. Every time I tried to quit, I utilised these, and they were a huge help. I would treat them like cigarettes, chew on them, and breathe through them. They would eventually start to become very eaten up on one end, but I would giggle, flip them over, and chew the other end. Some people might choose breaking a new stick. Was that an exploding firecracker in your mouth, someone once asked me, excuse me? When I said I was giving up smoking, they grinned and showed their support. Fortunately, once I had quit smoking for the first three days, I never needed the cinnamon sticks.

Visit a gym, relax in the steam, and work out. Change up your daily routine and spend some time walking or maybe jogging around the neighbourhood or at a park.

Look up yoga in the phone book and enrol in a class; they're fantastic! Treat yourself by getting a one-hour massage or taking a long bath.

Obtain assistance from friends, family, and workplace. Request their patience. Inform them of your resignation and the possibility that you'll be tense or cranky for a few days. You won't receive assistance if you don't ask for it. You'll be astonished at how much it can assist if you do. Take a chance and give it a go.

Request that loved ones refrain from smoking in your company. Never hesitate to ask. It's more significant than you might think.

On the day you decide to stop smoking, hide all ashtrays and thoroughly dispose of all of your cigarettes, preferably with water.

Call the National Cancer Institute's free smoking quit line at 1-877-44U-Quit or 1-800-QUITNOW to speak to a live person about quitting. Sessions will be held both before and after quitting smoking, and proactive counselling services will be offered by qualified individuals.

Visit and the chat room to see how people are quitting together, not alone. It can be a terrific resource for support, similar to an online meeting of Nicotine Anonymous.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health's Tobacco Control Program, which was funded by a state cigarette tax increase approved by the Massachusetts legislature in the early 1990s, provided the initial funding for Quitnet.

You can find support and community in NA meetings, which may be more soothing than staring at a computer screen. If this sounds appealing to you, visit the Nicotine Anonymous website to locate a meeting in your area. Meetings are held all across the US. Meetings are based on the tried-and-true 12-step programme, which was developed by Alcoholics Anonymous to help people overcome addiction. There is no admission fee, and this organisation is run entirely by volunteers.

You can learn how to host your own meeting at the website. You men might be surprised at how nice this feels, but support groups like Nicotine Anonymous provide a GREAT avenue for verbal venting. At first, they may seem unneeded. The best part is that it might prevent your loved ones from becoming overly irritable. Observing how other quitters are doing in their own attempts to stop and receiving encouragement from those going through similar problems to you is incredibly therapeutic.

List the top ten benefits of not smoking, followed by the top ten drawbacks of smoking. Do it. It is quite helpful.

Smoking was nice, so don't act like it wasn't. Quitting can feel like losing a close friend, and it's normal to feel sad about it. Instead of trying to escape your grief with food or another diversion, let the emotions consume you. You can recover and put the cause of your grief behind you by expressing your emotions. It takes time to heal; just feel. Stay with the challenging emotions, then. You can give up smoking!

Repeat the assertion, "I am a nonsmoker," to yourself softly several times every day. Many people who give up smoking think of themselves as smokers who are temporarily abstaining. They perceive themselves as smokers who still yearn for a cigarette. Even though it may sound absurd to you, changing your perception of yourself by saying the affirmation "I am a nonsmoker" out loud will be helpful. Use it!

Among these facts, this one is arguably the most important. The cravings to smoke will significantly lessen during Phase 2, which starts a few weeks after stopping. It's important to realise, though, that occasionally you will still find yourself overcome by the want for "just one cigarette." This will transpire inadvertently when under stress, whether it be favourable or negative (at a party, or on vacation). Giving in to that "one cigarette" will force you to start smoking again if you are unable to resist. Do your deep breathing and hold on for five minutes during these unexpected attacks during Phase 2 – they will occur, you can be sure of that — and the urge will pass.

Finally, obtain the knowledge and assistance required to ease the stopping process. AVOID attempting to go it alone. Get lots of assistance.

Immediately or gradually reduce your intake?

This is a matter of preference. Choose whichever you believe will serve you best. Smokenders is a programme for slow quitting. Although some people find that the best way to stop is by gradually cutting back, I was not one of them. I always quit abruptly.

I would always leave on a Monday, a typical workday when I would be preoccupied with work. My regular tasks helped me get through the first few challenging days, which were always the most challenging for me.

I once attempted to give up while on vacation. I discovered there wasn't much to do besides think about smoking all day. That moment, I stumbled. Even though I was on vacation, I felt more stressed about quitting than usual. The very important part that follows has more information on constructive stress.

The free website is one of the best-researched and most successful methods we've found for helping tobacco addicts stop. Here, smokers can keep smoking while making free, customised stop plans that keep note of the situations that make them want to light up, such as drinking beer, attending parties, or having a difficult boss. An online live support group will be available to them when they do decide to stop smoking and the cravings start to get bad. The American Legacy Foundation, a nonprofit organisation founded with $2 billion of the $240 billion settlement from the lawsuits filed by the States against Big Tobacco, devised this incredible, smart programme employing the most recent science. Include the Become An Ex programme in your arsenal when fighting tobacco use.

However, Phase Two, which is the next section, contains by far the most crucial material.

Phase Two Maintaining your quit and avoiding relapse

Here is the most crucial piece of information on this page as well as the most valuable secret we can divulge to you.

It's crucial to understand that severe surprise attacks will occur after the cravings to smoke become less frequent. You might have been smoke-free for only a few weeks, a few months, or even a few years.

I discovered that these nearly out-of-control desires always came on suddenly, and that if I did my deep breathing (see above) and could simply HOLD ON for 5 minutes, the overwhelming want to smoke would fade and disappear.

That is by far the most crucial lesson I discovered the hard way about how to properly quit.

I failed 11 times as a result of my ignorance about this. On my 12th attempt, I managed to quit permanently, and it has been the key to my ability to maintain my tobacco-free status ever since.

Be prepared for overwhelming, almost insurmountable cravings to have "just one" to catch you off guard, like a sudden wind that appears out of nowhere. Throughout the upcoming months, this will occur once, possibly more than once. Even decades later, it may occur.

When this happens, perform your deep breathing (see above), resist the impulse for 5 minutes (you can do it), and it will eventually stop.

Even though "just one cigarette" seemed harmless at the time, after 11 failed efforts I recognised that several times in the past, those surprise attacks were the turning point that would inevitably cause me to relapse.

I fought with myself during the assault. Okay, self, I told myself. There will be relief in four minutes. I recalled using the deep breathing technique from the above-mentioned toolbox to manage my initial withdrawal; while I was around friends, I did the deep breathing covertly so that no one even noticed.

At first, I would be dying for a smoke even with the breathing; well, so I only had to hold out for THREE more minutes. Okay, take the deepest breath you can manage.

exhale now very gently and release the strain. and do so. Keep going like that, you!

Next TWO minutes...

And sure enough, the urge to smoke would vanish after five minutes. Not to mention, I managed to spare my smoking pal the pleasure of watching me light up like him. I would feel very pleased of myself for holding out.

This strategy may also be useful if you're having trouble losing weight, but I'm confident that it's the single most crucial tip for successfully stopping smoking for good.


Don't be a nag about someone's smoking habit if you live with them or are good friends with them. (You can yell at them for smoking in the house or next to you because secondhand smoke is harmful to you, but don't badger them into quitting. A HUGE difference exists!)

You only need to beg your loved one to stop smoking three times a year, and you should do it in a really caring and friendly manner. ( If you try to compliment them and make your request brief, they might be more receptive to hearing you out.

However, if you speak up more frequently than three times a YEAR, you are a yucky, annoying NAG. Ick! And your favourite smoker will be so furious with you that they will continue to smoke just for kicks. Your very goal will be defeated.

I kindly ask nonsmokers to respect and treat their smoking family members like adults.

Don't fall into the old trap of harming yourself by continuing to smoke as a result of your annoyance with your loved ones. Instead, express your feelings to them.

According to John Bradshaw, a renowned family therapist and motivational speaker,

"Americans are an addicted country. We frequently have many addictions, including those to food, alcohol, drugs, sex, television, music, and even employment. Each of these items is a type of medication since they all serve to momentarily distract you from your suffering.

Bradshaw has a point. He is referring to both the emotional pain we are currently experiencing — such as rage, loneliness, or grief — and the emotional pain we have been carrying since we were young because of unmet needs, such as a missing parent or an abusive mother.

Life is painful at times. That is how it is supposed to be. We all experience pain, loss, and hardship. We define and develop our character via our struggles.

I bring back the historical custom of initiation in my live talks and videos for young people. I warn teenagers that life might be painful occasionally when I introduce them to it.

I advise the students, "And when such moments arise, you need to pick the ADULT way and stay with the problem — and not go lighting a cigarette, raiding the refrigerator, using drugs, blasting music or turning on the TV — or, going to work for too many long hours. All of them are merely means of avoiding and dulling unpleasant emotions.You'll start to understand what's causing your suffering if you keep with it. And when you're prepared, you may act to address the issue.

Feeling causes healing.

For instance, the best approach to heal your sadness is to fully express it, as opposed to burying it or dragging it around inside of you for years. This is the cornerstone of psychotherapy, and it is effective.

The same is true of rage; let it out in small, manageable bursts as you go along, as and when situations arise. This is preferable to letting things fester and then erupting in wrath.

As you quit smoking, it's beneficial and healing to express your sentiments verbally. You should speak in loud, critical tones rather than ingesting extra, unnecessary calories.

You will receive the help and tolerance you request, so don't worry. Meetings for Nicotine Anonymous are a fantastic outlet for this. There, you'll find a lot of encouragement and, if you ask for them, hugs as well. Lean on others and avoid isolating yourself.

This shows STRENGTH, especially in men. It might be thought of as cowardly to skip a support group meeting out of fear. Be brave, then, and ask for help from others. In my opinion, it's a sign of a powerful man. Men in real life ask for directions!

It's true that smoking is generally highly pleasurable for you—even reassuring. Let's not make up anything. You might experience some grief after quitting because it will be like losing a terrific, close friend.

That's normal and acceptable.

But if you don't give up and "grieve" right away, this wonderful "friend" of yours will definitely turn against you and murder you in the future. According to statistics, smoking increases your risk of dying by 40%, which is the same as playing Russian Roulette with two rounds in the gun. Not to mention that you still have to smoke outside the majority of the time.

We'll consider smoking to be a thing of the 20th century in years to come. We are aware that only kids and teenagers historically start the habit.

Teenagers won't start smoking in such large numbers as our government enacts regulations that make it harder for kids to purchase cigarettes and as Uncle Sam restricts tobacco advertising more in the future. Finally, smoking will be prohibited one day. No more illnesses, no more fatalities, and no more heartbroken families around.

Thank you for visiting the lovely world of nonsmokers. You are capable of doing it.

The phrase "repeating the same action again and over and expecting different outcomes" is a well-known description of insanity.


My own adventure began when I realised I could quit smoking for one to three months with the aid of one or more programmes.

However, I did so 11 times.

A few weeks after quitting cold turkey, Phase Two begins, during which the temptation to smoke would significantly lessen or even vanish. After resuming smoking 11 times, I came to understand that I would occasionally experience a surprise ATTACK, in which I would find myself suddenly overcome with the urge to smoke, anywhere between a week and a year after stopping.

Usually, when I was under stress—either positive stress, like going out with friends, after a nice meal, or on vacation—or bad stress, like being in the middle of an angry, sad, or lonely moment—these attacks would creep up on me. You may be familiar with those.

I used the justification that "I could have just one" during these unexpected attacks. What harm would it do if I had one now because I haven't had one in three months? I DESPERATELY want it! I would then take ONE and ZAP! I would "just have one more" the following day, then two the following day, and within two or three days I was back to smoking a pack a day, completely addicted.


Wait for five more minutes.

I successfully quit smoking in this way. I reassured myself that the surprise attacks would pass within five minutes when they occurred a few weeks or months after I had stopped smoking.

It's harsh, but only a baby is permitted to urinate whenever it pleases. Adults are adept at postponing gratification. It's time to acknowledge your grownup status. Be mature!

After that, a very warm welcome to the occasionally quite challenging world of adults!

How to treat mental addiction in relation to sex addiction and disorder

Please take the time to read this entire essay if you are currently struggling with addiction. Despite the fact that the symptom of "addiction" is more alluring, knowing oneself is more important than the addiction itself.

People often struggle with addiction; there are many various types of mental addiction, including those to pornography, sex, food, relationships, and other things.

Similar to drug and alcohol addiction, substance addiction is not covered in this topic. Addiction to substances has a connection to addiction to the mind, but because the drug changes and affects the neuron cells, it is a separate issue that requires professional and medical care. Please avoid using any drugs or alcohol; it is not enjoyable at all.

This categorisation is false because it can lead to many other kinds of addiction; nonetheless, addiction itself is the problem, not porn or romantic relationships or anything else.

Many people want to use the internet to validate their problem by looking up the symptoms of each "kind" of addiction, but doing so can lead them into a trap.

Addiction is much subtler than it first appears to be; for instance, narcissism is fundamentally also a form of addiction; for this reason, relying on symptoms that can be verbally described is rather limited and misleading. What matters is that one understands oneself, not just thinking about how to deal with the addiction, which is another form of addiction.

The nature of the addiction counts more than "something," as there is just addiction and not addiction to anything.

It is rather simple to confirm an addiction because you can see the impulse to repeat a behaviour in yourself and the resulting discomfort.

To end an addiction, one must fully comprehend it, which requires staying with the addiction and careful observation.

When someone has an addiction, they constantly desire to psychologically overcome it, yet doing so prevents them from watching and understanding. Can you spot this inclination in yourself? Can you stop wanting something and just stay with the problem instead of trying to avoid it?

Addiction is a way of thinking; it exists as long as there is a desire for pleasure. Consider the example of a person who is addicted to porn; when they watch or listen to porn, they enjoy it much because it stimulates their sexual urges, which is what they are wanting to enjoy.

To elicit sexual experiences, the mind keeps playing back the sights and noises. The mind initially experiences immense pleasure—satisfaction, fulfilment, and everything else—but this "replaying" because of the pleasure turns into a loop. Because the mind is constantly changing and opposing any pattern, there is always tension when a loop or pattern forms. The mental challenges brought on by this conflict are expressed in a wide range of verbally stated symptoms, but the symptoms are the wrong focus and can serve as a diversion that prevents one from dealing with the problem.

To understand what is being said in this essay, you must observe yourself in the real world rather than being introduced to any theories. Otherwise, it becomes another trap and the mind stops paying attention to and learning from what is being said here.

Ending the cycle is the only way to break the cycle of addiction, and you can't achieve it by mental restraint because that doesn't solve anything and might even make the problem worse.

To interrupt the cycle of pleasure-seeking is to break it. Can you let go of something enjoyable? People are typically reluctant to give up pleasure because they believe it to be the entire purpose in life, therefore they cling to it. Do you notice yourself thinking in this way?

Pleasure-seeking is the root of all mental difficulties since it steals life's delight. Life is full of delight when one isn't seeking pleasure, but you have to find it by doing something—letting go of any pleasure—or else what is being said is the speaker's perspective, not your reality.

The focus has naturally shifted to "stop the pleasure-seeking" because up to this point in the investigation, we have discovered that ending the addiction also means ending the need for pleasure.

Can you stop looking for pleasure? Can you totally exist in the moment without thinking searching?

Consider the addiction to relationships as an example. While the mind enjoys the pleasure provided by the mental images of the relationship and is unwilling to give up that enjoyment, the reality of relationships is that people change and that everything is dynamic, in contrast to the mind's static and unchanging mental images. Therefore, everyone in the partnership suffers as a result of these mental conflicts.

The relationship can only ever exist in this time and beyond any mental imagery; all other mental representations are just an illusion from which one can get pleasure. Because of this, enjoying the moment as it comes really strengthens the connection, whereas addiction breaks it down.

Living in the moment fully necessitates intense self-reflection and observation, which inevitably leads to the issue of true meditation - truly comprehending oneself. To aid in one's comprehension and observation, this website offers timeless material on self-inquiry. It is still up to you to pay attention to the problems, seek the truth, and take action in response to your learning.

This article tries to help you navigate the problems and concentrate on what is right, which is to live fully in the moment without seeking pleasure. This is the entire process of meditation.

It doesn't matter if you don't fully understand what was said in this essay because you haven't yet perceived it. You will automatically comprehend what it implies in its entirety when you genuinely engage in self-inquiry since your actions do matter.

This post was written with just goodness and concern for each individual person in mind. I hope you can value self-inquiry and discover the highest level of clarity for yourself.

How to be healthy:Tips for Health and Nutrition Based on Evidence

When it comes to nutrition and health, it's simple to become perplexed. It might be challenging to determine what you should do to improve your health because, despite their qualifications, certified professionals frequently appear to have divergent viewpoints.
Nevertheless, despite all the disputes, evidence does support a handful of wellness recommendations.

Here are 27 recommendations for good health and nutrition that are supported by science.

1. Limit sugary beverages.

The main source of added sugar in the American diet is sweetened beverages including soda, fruit juices, and tea.

Unfortunately, research indicates that even in those who do not have excess body fat, drinking sugar-sweetened beverages increases the risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Sugar-sweetened beverages are particularly detrimental for kids since they can cause illnesses including type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which typically do not manifest in children until maturity.

Healthy substitutes include

  • water
  • decaffeinated teas or tea without sugar
  • glistening water
  • coffee

2. Consume seeds and nuts

The high fat content of nuts causes some people to shun them. But seeds and nuts are highly nourishing. They include a wealth of vitamins and minerals, fibre, and protein.

Nuts may aid in weight loss and lower your risk of type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

One significant observational study also found that a low diet of nuts and seeds may be associated with an increased risk of death from heart disease, stroke, or type 2 diabetes.

3. Skip the highly processed meals.

Foods with ingredients that have undergone extensive modification from their original state are considered ultra-processed. They frequently include additives such extra sugar, salt, extremely processed oil, artificial sweeteners, colours, and flavours

Examples comprise:

  • cake snacks
  • swift food
  • frozen food
  • tins of food
  • chips

Ultra-processed foods are highly delicious, which makes them easy to overeat, and they activate reward-related brain regions, which might result in an excessive intake of calories and weight gain. Obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses have been linked to diets heavy in ultra-processed foods, according to studies

They typically contain low-quality components including processed carbohydrates, inflammatory fats, and added sugar in addition to being deficient in fibre, protein, and minerals. They primarily offer empty calories as a result.

4. Have no fear of coffee

Despite some disagreement, coffee has a tonne of health advantages.

Studies have connected coffee use to longer lifespans, a lower incidence of type 2 diabetes, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases, as well as a host of other maladies due to its high antioxidant content.
The recommended daily intake seems to be between three and four cups, however pregnant women should limit or avoid it entirely because it has been associated to low birth weight.

Coffee and other products with caffeine should be consumed in moderation, though. Consuming too much caffeine can cause heart palpitations and insomnia, among other health problems. Limit your daily consumption of coffee to no more than four cups, and stay away from high-calorie, high-sugar additives like sweetened creamer.

5. ingest oily fish

A fantastic source of high-quality protein and good fat is fish. This is especially true of fatty fish like salmon, which are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids and other minerals.

According to studies, those who frequently consume fish had a lower risk of developing a number of diseases, such as heart disease, dementia, and inflammatory bowel disease.

6. Obtain enough rest.

It is impossible to stress the significance of obtaining adequate good sleep.

Insufficient sleep can worsen insulin resistance, mess with your hormones that control appetite, and lower both your physical and mental function.

Additionally, a weak individual risk factor for weight growth and obesity is getting too little sleep. Lack of sleep influences a person's tendency to choose foods richer in fat, sugar, and calories, which may result in unintended weight gain.

7. aliment your gut flora

The gut microbiota, a term that refers to all of the microorganisms in your gut, is crucial for overall health.Obesity and a variety of digestive issues are among the chronic diseases that have been related to a change in gut flora.

Consuming probiotic foods like yoghurt and sauerkraut, supplementing with probiotics when necessary, and eating a lot of fibre are all effective approaches to enhance gut health. Notably, fiber provides your gut flora with a prebiotic, or food supply.

8. Keep hydrated.

Hydration is a crucial yet frequently disregarded indicator of health. Staying hydrated ensures that your body is operating at its peak efficiency and that your blood volume is enough.

The best approach to stay hydrated is to drink water, which has no calories, sugar, or chemicals.

Although there isn't a specific quantity that everyone requires each day, try to drink enough to sufficiently quench your thirst.

9. Eat only lightly browned meats.

Meat can be a wholesome and nutritious component of your diet. It has a lot of protein and is a great source of nutrients.

But when meat is burned or charred, issues arise. The development of hazardous substances as a result of this charring may raise your chance of developing certain cancers.

Avoid burning or charring the meat when cooking it. Limit your diet of red and processed meats as well, such as bacon and lunch meat, because they raise your risk of colon cancer and general cancer.

10. Before going to bed, avoid bright lighting.

Blue light wavelengths found in bright lights can interfere with the generation of the sleep hormone melatonin when you are exposed to them in the evening.

Wearing blue light-blocking eyewear can help minimise your exposure to blue light, especially if you use a computer or other digital screen for extended periods of time. You should also avoid using digital screens for 30 to 60 minutes before bed.

As nighttime draws in, this may improve your body's natural melatonin production, promoting sounder sleep.

11. If you're lacking, take vitamin D.

Vitamin D intake is typically inadequate. Even though this widespread vitamin D deficiency are not immediately dangerous, keeping enough vitamin D levels can assist to improve bone strength, lessen depression symptoms, boost your immune system, and reduce your risk for cancer.

Your vitamin D levels may be low if you do not spend a lot of time outdoors.

It's a good idea to get your levels checked if you can, so you can adjust them if necessary by taking vitamin D supplements.

12. Consume a lot of fruit and veggies.

Prebiotic fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, many of which have powerful health benefits, are abundant in fruits and vegetables.

According to studies, people who consume more fruits and vegetables live longer and are at a decreased risk of developing heart disease, obesity, and other diseases.

13. Consume enough protein.

Consuming enough protein is essential for good health because it gives your body the building blocks it needs to regenerate new cells and tissues.

Additionally, this substance is crucial for maintaining a healthy body weight.

While making you feel full, a high protein diet may increase your metabolic rate, or rate at which calories are burned. Additionally, it might make you feel less compelled to eat late-night snacks.

14. Make a move

One of the best things you can do for your mental and physical health is to engage in aerobic exercise, or cardio.

It works especially well at shedding belly fat, the unhealthy kind of fat that collects around your organs. Your metabolic health may significantly improve as a result of less abdominal fat.

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommend that we aim for at least 150 minutes a week of low intensity exercise.

15. Don't use drugs or smoke, and only consume alcohol in moderation.

Abuse of alcohol, illegal drug usage, and smoking can all have detrimental effects on your health.

If you engage in any of these behaviours, you might want to scale back or stop to lower your chance of developing chronic illnesses.

To assist with this, there are services online and perhaps in your neighbourhood as well. To find out more about obtaining resources, speak with your doctor.

16. Make use of extra virgin olive oil.

One of the healthiest vegetable oils you may use is extra virgin olive oil. Heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and potent antioxidants with anti-inflammatory qualities are abundant in it.

According to some data, extra virgin olive oil may be good for the heart because those who eat it have a lower risk of dying from heart attacks and strokes.

17. Reduce your sugar consumption.

Modern foods and beverages frequently contain added sugar. A high intake is connected to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

The World Health Organization advises reducing added sugars to 5% or fewer of your daily calories for optimal health, whereas the Dietary Guidelines for Americans advise keeping added sugar intake below 10% of your daily calorie intake.

18. Limit your intake of processed carbohydrates.

Carbs are not all made equal.

Refined carbohydrates lack fibre because of their intensive processing. They contain relatively few nutrients and, when consumed in excess, may be harmful to your health. The majority of ultra-processed foods are created with refined carbohydrates such white flour, processed corn, and added sugars.

A diet heavy in refined carbohydrates has been associated in studies to obesity, overeating, and chronic conditions such type 2 diabetes and heart disease

19. Lift hefty objects

One of the best types of exercise to build your muscles and enhance your body composition is strength and resistance training.

Additionally, it may result in significant enhancements in metabolic health, such as better insulin sensitivity, which makes controlling blood sugar levels simpler, and increases in metabolic rate, which refers to how many calories you burn while at rest.

If you don't have weights, you can produce resistance with your own body weight or with the use of resistance bands to obtain a similar workout with many of the same advantages.

Resistance exercise twice a week is advised by the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans

20. Avoid synthetic trans fats.

Artificial trans fats are unhealthy man-made fats that have a strong association with heart disease and inflammation.

Since they are now totally prohibited in the US and many other nations, avoiding them should be considerably simpler. Keep in mind that some foods may still contain trace levels of naturally occurring trans fats, but these are not as harmful as trans fats produced artificially.

21. Utilize several herbs and spices

Today, more than ever, we have access to a wide selection of herbs and spices. In addition to flavour, they may also have a number of health advantages.

For instance, both ginger and turmeric contain strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, which may help you feel healthier overall.

You should strive to include a wide variety of herbs and spices in your diet due to their significant potential health advantages.

22. Maintain your interpersonal connections.

Social connections with close friends, relatives, and other people you care about are crucial for both your emotional and physical health.

According to studies, persons who have close friends and family tend to live longer and in better health.

23. periodically keeping a food journal

Since calculating your portion sizes and calorie intake is not inaccurate, the only way to know exactly how many calories you consume is to measure your food and use a nutrition tracker.

Your consumption of protein, fibre, and micronutrients can be better understood with the help of tracking.

There is some data that suggests those who track their food intake are more successful at losing weight and keeping it off, despite several research linking tracking calories and disordered eating behaviours.

24. Remove more belly fat

Visceral fat, or excessive abdominal fat, is a particularly dangerous type of fat distribution that is associated with a higher risk of cardiometabolic disorders such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease.

Because of this, your waist size and waist-to-hip ratio may be significantly more accurate indicators of your health than your weight.

Cutting back on refined carbohydrates, increasing your intake of protein and fibre, and lowering your stress levels (which can lower cortisol, a stress hormone that promotes the buildup of abdominal fat) are all methods that may help you lose belly fat.

25. Avoid following strict diets

Diets rarely produce long-lasting results and are typically ineffectual. In fact, one of the best indicators of future weight gain is past dieting.

This is due to the fact that excessively restricted diets actually decrease your metabolic rate, or the number of calories you burn each day, which makes it more challenging to lose weight. They also change your satiety and hunger hormones, making you feel more hungry and possibly inducing intense food cravings for items high in fat, calories, and sugar.

All of this might lead to "yo-yo" dieting, or rebound weight gain.

Try adjusting to a better lifestyle as opposed to dieting. Instead of starving your body, concentrate on feeding it.

As you switch to whole, healthy meals, which are by nature more filling and have less calories than processed foods, weight loss should follow.

26. Eat entire eggs.

Although the topic of eggs and health is frequently debated, it is a fallacy that eggs are unhealthy due of their high cholesterol level. Studies demonstrate that they are a fantastic source of protein and nutrients and have little impact on blood cholesterol in the majority of people.

In addition, an analysis encompassing 263,938 participants discovered no connection between egg consumption and the risk of heart disease.

27. Meditate

Your health is negatively impacted by stress. Blood sugar levels, eating preferences, disease propensity, weight, fat distribution, and other factors can all be impacted. Therefore, it's crucial to learn effective stress management techniques.

One such method is meditation, which has some scientific support for its effectiveness in stress management and health improvement.

Researchers showed that meditation reduced LDL (bad) cholesterol and inflammation in one trial of 48 individuals with high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or both when compared to the control group. The participants in the meditation group also reported greater bodily and emotional wellness.

One of the most beautiful things said about love

  Love, passion, and love are deceiving colors. What we see in the beloved is just as we see in the rainbow. The beauty of the rainbow colors is not from the rainbow itself, but from the action of sunlight on the rain spray suspended in the air.. If the sun sets and the rain dries up, the colors disappear and Beauty is gone .
And so is your beloved, her beauty in what is revealed to her from her Creator.. If the manifestation is cut off from her, she will become old, sick, wither, and return to an ugliness that has no attractiveness.. What she possessed of beauty was not originally her property, but was a loan and advance .

Even the sweet dispositions, sweet souls, and noble traits are some of the names of our Creator, the Generous, the Kind, the Merciful, the Forgiving, the Merciful.. Are

n't these His names...!?
And do we love when we love except His Most Beautiful Names, wherever and whenever they are fulfilled ?
And do we love when we love except His Divine Presence in each of its forms ?

And the Wise, the All-Knowing, who realized this truth, turned his love to the his Lord, and did not pay attention to the mediations, nor did he let the tinsel of colors hinder him..and he did not stop with people..for he is one of the people of determination that does not attach to him except with his Lord..he has saved himself Disappointment and hopelessness and deception of colors .

He loved those who do not abandon, adored those who do not slacken, attached to those who do not miss, attached to those who do not die, and the owner of the one who has the whole matter and contributed to the central bank from which all cash comes out .. and he is important to the friendly, truly, in essence, qualities and actions .
And that is the doctrine of those who know love .
So did you know ...
and if you knew.. so are you able .

The doctrine of the gnostics is not merely knowledge . As for the attachment of the heart to the one who has nothing like it, then
it is a higher rank that can only be reached by toil, struggle and determination .

Supplication, worship, obedience, submission, reverence, humiliation, and detachment, and this is a rank that cannot be attained by a university degree, a master’s degree, a doctorate, or an intellectual achievement. And the eye and the ear, and there is no way to it except by taking off the sandals .
You take off your body and your soul ..

and the people's intention here is not empty renunciation and idleness.. but rather that you take off your luck, your selfishness, your lust, your greed, and your personalities, and that you return to the primordial, impersonal purity in which you give and love without regard to personal luck or Self-return.. It is a state of work, giving, and giving, not a state of empty asceticism and nullification.. At its peak, it is a state of redemption and sacrifice for the sake of upholding the word of God.. A sacrifice that does not look at a medal or a monument.. But it gives money and Blood and soul for the sake of God alone .

The knowledgeable say that the table of martyrdom is the highest table of honour, and there is no entry to it except with an invitation card from its owner. And there is no entry into it by way of intrusion, coercion or arrogance.. Rather, it is an invitation from the generous, which is

received by the lucky one by takbiyah and haste, and the disadvantaged receives it by laziness, abandonment, and backwardness. Cinema and authors of romantics, and it is also different from love for the majority of people .. where love is passion, fire, lust, crime, naked breasts and jewelry. And moments that shine with poetry, then soon fade and turn off, leaving ashes of lies.
This is how the Qur’an teaches us that the many do not know, but the knowers are few, but the press that addresses the multitude, the cinema that flatters the masses, the authors who covet popularity, and the poets who are followed by the deceivers, singing other colors of love. And they wander together in the valleys of heedlessness that lead us to the madness of Qais, the suicide of Juliet, the fall of the monk of Tais, the shamelessness of Valentino, the crimes of Al Capone and the tables of Monte Carlo .
And our producers are more modest, as they are satisfied with the cabarets of Al-Haram Street .

And it is something as old as history, since the days of Babylon, and since the days of Antony and Cleopatra, and since the days of the Pharaohs, the Greeks, and the Romans.. And we read in the Book of the Dead these lines that were written by the Egyptian sage five thousand years ago .
Do not look at your neighbor's woman, for a thousand men have deviated from the right path because of that.. It is a short moment like a dream, and regret follows .
They are old acquaintances since the days of Adam.. and a defunct story since the killing of Abel .
But no one remembers.. no one considers.. and no one learns from the lesson .
And most of those who know do not benefit from their knowledge because of the weakness of determination, the failure of the souls, and the predominance of desires .

The stairs to the upper floors exist all the time, but no one bothers to climb the stairs, and the majority live and die in the basement ...
And if one of them had bothered to climb... and endured the hardship of climbing and watched the view from above, he would have cried with regret for Omar He lived in the basement among pleasures that are worth nothing, but it is the weakness that gnaws at the bodies .

And humanity moves from the weak to the weaker, and the new generations are weaker and more desperate for the urgent and vanishing pleasures. Read the article from the beginning and ask yourself.. from what rank of people are you.. do you know.. and if you know. So are you able .

And weep as much as you want, for nothing is worth crying over.. not your poverty, failure, backwardness, or illness.. all of this can be rectified. As for the sin that deserves to be weeping, it is the sin of distance from your God.. if you lose your God.. then there is
nothing He will compensate you .
And all the dreams of poets will not enrich you with anything .

Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Years Day 2023 starts

 For the year 2023, New Years Day is held on January 1st, a Sunday. The majority of people (including all federal employees) will be off work on January 2 to celebrate New Year's Day.

According to the Gregorian calendar, a new year begins on January 1st, which is the day after New Year's. Government offices, schools, and the majority of businesses are closed on this day, which is a Federal holiday in the United States. Many people will think back on their successes from the previous year and make new resolutions for the upcoming one.

On January 1st, most nations around the world celebrate the start of a new year. Around the world, some people will observe the official holiday on January 1 and their cultural or religious New Year on a different day.

The first lunar new moon, which ushers in spring anytime between January 21 and February 21, is when the Chinese New Year falls. If one uses the lunar calendar, the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) follows the sighting of the new moon anytime between September 5 and October 5. Based on a lunar calendar with 354 days, the Islamic New Year (Muharram) shifts by about eleven days annually as compared to the Gregorian calendar. Between April 13 and April 15, many people in south and south-eastern Asia celebrate the New Year.

The Orthodox New Year, which is celebrated annually around January 14th, is also known as the Old New Year since it is based on the first day of the Julian calendar, which was commonly used before the Gregorian calendar was accepted.

In the second half, Iowa's defence maintained its superiority, keeping Kentucky scoreless.

 After a thrilling 4-2 victory over Brighton & Hove Albion at the AMEX Stadium, Arsenal will begin 2023 with a seven-point advantage at the top of the Premier League.

The Gunners sailed into a 3-0 lead early in the second half and held off the prospect of a Brighton comeback to earn their 14th victory in 16 league games this season, buoyed by Manchester City's earlier draw with Everton.

Bukayo Saka gave Arsenal the lead after just two minutes, giving them the impression that they were in the mood to ring in the new year on the south coast. Since Theo Walcott's strike against QPR in 2013, it was the Gunners' first away goal in the Premier League.

After a corner, Martin Odegaard bounded in a shot to give the visitors a comfortable lead six minutes before halftime. Brighton had struggled to consistently threaten Aaron Ramsdale in the opposing goal.

After the break, Eddie Nketiah took advantage of some sloppy goalkeeping by Robert Sanchez to make it 3-0, but even though it appeared that the game was finished, Kaoru Mitoma scored from just inside the box to give Brighton some hope.

Gabriel Martinelli, who consistently outplayed Tariq Lamptey, ran onto a beautiful first-time ball from Odegaard to score beneath Sanchez and restore the two-goal lead, but Brighton resisted.

After Mitoma deflected a shot into the bottom-right corner, teenage substitute Evan Ferguson capitalised on some sloppy defending from Gabriel to nudge the ball underneath Ramsdale, but a VAR review resulted in a penalty for a slight offside.

The disallowed goal appeared to demoralise the Brighton players, allowing Arsenal to hold on to what might be a very important victory in what is beginning to appear to be a serious title push.

Should Arsenal supporters begin to believe?

From their first 16 Premier League games, Arsenal has accrued 43 points. Only four other English top-flight teams have ever accomplished it during the three-points-per-win period, and they all went on to win the season's championship.

This was a big chance for Arteta's team to make a statement after Man City lost to Everton, but they were up against a Brighton team that had won the previous two meetings, most recently in the League Cup in November. They were in the lead after only 66 seconds. They had a 3-0 lead after 47 minutes. Describe a performance fit for a champion.

Make no mistake: this was a statement win from true title contenders. Sure, they were far more shaky in the final half-hour than Arteta would have wanted, and only Mitoma's rear heel prevented Brighton from making it 4-3 with about seven minutes to play.

Odegaard enters 2023 with swagger

Odegaard's strike that gave Arsenal a 2-0 lead appeared to be little off target, but given the way the Arsenal captain is playing, you have to presume he meant it.

The 24-year-old is clearly demonstrating this season why so many clubs throughout Europe were eager to get him as a teenager thanks to Arteta. With some amazing quick footwork, he created an opportunity for Martinelli, scored an important goal before halftime, and then helped Martinelli score Arsenal's fourth goal with an absolutely beautiful first-time pass behind the Brighton defence.

Few, if any, Premier League players are in better shape as the new year approaches.

Live updates and video highlights from Brighton vs. Arsenal in the Premier League FULLTIME: That concludes the Premier League season of 2022! The Gunners enter the new year with a seven-point cushion at the top after taking all three points from a six-goal thriller against Brighton.

90 + 4: Gabriel takes a chance by yanking on Jeremy Sarmiento's shirt within the box, but there wasn't really anything he could do. Arsenal is now working to resolve this.

90 minutes in: KAORU MITOMA scores, but it is ruled to be illegal! A VAR review reveals the winger's back foot was offside when he received the ball, despite the fact that he drove into the area from the left after collecting a bounced pass from Evan Ferguson and sent a deflected shot past Aaron Ramsdale. Brighton should be quite upset about that, but Arsenal supporters can finally exhale.

In the 88th minute, Bukayo Saya (who is on a yellow) trips Kaoru Mitoma, prompting several yells of "off, off, off!" from the home crowd. However, he is rightfully not booked.

Arsenal scored and Pascal Gross' delivery wasn't great.

85 minutes: What a great game this has been. After the way Arsenal played for the first hour, Mikel Arteta won't be delighted to see the outcome in doubt, but the three points will be all that matters at this moment. To ensure success, he substitutes Rob Holding for Martin Odegaard.

80 minutes: Even though the Seagulls don't finish up with a victory, that was a memorable occasion for the Brighton kid. Jeremy Sarmiento is attempting to keep their dreams alive, but he dives while going to the ground too quickly on the brink of the Arsenal box.

BRIGHTON, GIVE US A SECOND! Let's talk about New Year's Eve entertainment, then! When William Saliba mishandles a straightforward long ball forward, substitute Evan Ferguson hustles for goal. The ball appears to be rolled beneath Aaron Ramsdale as he appears to try to dive on it. Maybe, just maybe, this one isn't over...

ARSENAL MAKE IT FOUR IN 70 MINUTES! Gabriel Martinelli has undoubtedly ended the game moments after a good Brighton onslaught. Martinelli, who had once again gotten in behind Tariq Lamptey, is released by Martin Odegaard thanks to a brilliant pass. The Arsenal winger pokes the ball underneath Robert Sanchez despite his best efforts to catch him. That must indicate that this one is over, right?

60 minutes: Both sides are now making a few adjustments. With the possible exception of Pervis Estupinan, who is still bombing down the Brighton left at every opportunity, it seems like everyone in the stadium believes this is finished.

53 seconds: Bukayo Saka receives a warning for tripping Pervis Estupinan as he was driving into the Arsenal half. He is currently one suspension away. Brighton is trying to get back into this, but, to be completely honest, they don't seem to think it's possible.

47 minutes in, ARSENAL leads 3-0! Sorry Brighton supporters, but I believe I cursed that. Another free run into the box by Gabriel Martinelli allows Robert Sanchez to miss with his shot, and Eddie Nketiah pokes the ball home from almost on the goal line. Put a fork in it; it's finished.

46 mins: Only three clubs this season in all competitions have defeated Arsenal, so can Brighton pull off a stunning comeback? Let's investigate...

ALMOST AS GOOD AS ARSENAL COULD HAVE HOPED FOR AT HALF TIME. Bukayo Saka scored so quickly that it appeared to shake Brighton out of their prior strong performance, and Martin Odegaard extended the lead.

The Gunners have won 14 of their previous 16 games, it appears.

45 + 2 minutes: After waiting all night for a yellow card, three appear at once! For a last-second tackle on Adam Lallana, Thomas Partey now receives one of his own. Anthony Taylor is now giving the managers a swift talking-to, which I'm amazed we couldn't actually hear considering how hushed the crowd has grown.

Billy Gilmour spends 45 minutes digging through the book to slay Thomas Partey. That didn't sit well with Arsenal, but a warning seemed reasonable. Gabriel receives a yellow card a little while later, apparently for wasting time. Someone should inform him that it is a little early for that.

ARSENAL MAKES IT 2-0 IN 39 MINUTES! Billy Gilmour only manages to get Martin Odegaard just inside the box before clearing Bukayo Saka's corner. The captain of Arsenal appeared to mishit his first-time attempt, but it went high into the goal after rebounding off the ground and through the congested box. The Gunners are winning games!

Aaron Ramsdale might be having a difficulty at 37 minutes. The Arsenal goalkeeper appeared to be gripping his hamstring while yelling at Mikel Arteta. With halftime less than ten minutes away, it appears that he will continue for the time being.

Ben White demonstrated some incredibly tenacious resolve in the 33rd minute to prevent Pervis Estupinan from crossing from the left. Brighton is a terrific match for Arsenal in this situation; they simply struggle to find a way through in the final third.

Tariq Lamptey receives applause from the home crowd after defeating Gabriel Martinelli in a duel in minute 29. The Brazilian then appeared poised to launch a strike just inside the box, but he was successfully blocked by him.

Aaron Ramsdale might be having a difficulty at 37 minutes. The Arsenal goalkeeper appeared to be gripping his hamstring while yelling at Mikel Arteta. With halftime less than ten minutes away, it appears that he will continue for the time being.

Ben White demonstrated some incredibly tenacious resolve in the 33rd minute to prevent Pervis Estupinan from crossing from the left. Brighton is a terrific match for Arsenal in this situation; they simply struggle to find a way through in the final third.

Tariq Lamptey receives applause from the home crowd after defeating Gabriel Martinelli in a duel in minute 29. The Brazilian then appeared poised to launch a strike just inside the box, but he was successfully blocked by him.

15 minutes in: After a hectic start, the game has somewhat calmed down. Brighton had several consecutive corners, but Arsenal stopped them (despite some less-than-convincing goalkeeping from Aaron Ramsdale).

7 minutes in: Since the goal, Martin Odegaard has made several inroads into the Brighton defence, while Gabriel Martinelli has had another chance stopped. Brighton is merely attempting to regain its footing.

ARSENAL TAKES THE LEAD IN 2 MINUTES! The Gunners are moving quickly to complete this, so they must have plans for New Year's Eve! When Bukayo Saka receives the ball from Gabriel Martinelli in the box, he has the time and space to side-foot past Robert Sanchez.

Just like every other Premier League stadium in recent days, the AMEX Stadium pays tribute to the legendary Pele five minutes before kickoff.

30 minutes before kickoff: If Arsenal wins, they will have a seven-point advantage over Manchester City in the standings going into 2023 after the Citizens could only draw 1-1 with Everton at home.

The team news is announced one hour before the KO! Oleksandr Zinchenko replaces Kieran Tierney as the lone alteration for Arsenal.

Billy Gilmour has come in for the suspended Moises Caicedo, and Tariq Lamptey has been inserted at right-back in place of Joel Veltman. Brighton has made two changes from the lineup that defeated Southampton.

15 minutes before kickoff: Brighton has proven to be difficult for Arsenal. They have won each of the previous two, in the league in April and the League Cup just last month, and have only lost two of the previous 10 encounters with Arteta's team. For the first time ever, the Seagulls are attempting to defeat Arsenal three times in a row.

The Gunners are attempting to end the year on a successful note with one hour and thirty minutes remaining. Regardless of what happens elsewhere today, Mikel Arteta's team will lead the league going into 2023, but a victory over a Brighton team that is still doing well under Roberto De Zerbi would be a further indication of their intentions.

2 hours before KO: Welcome to Brighton & Hove Albion and Arsenal's final game of 2022. Can the Gunners continue their remarkable run toward the title?

lineups for Brighton vs. Arsenal

Prior to this match, De Zerbi was presented with a midfield dilemma because of Moises Caicedo's suspension and Jakub Moder's injury for the visiting team. Along with Pascal Gross, Billy Gilmour received the go-ahead.

Following Argentina's World Cup celebrations, Alexis MacAllister is still unavailable, but Tariq Lamptey was given the right-back starting job.

Brighton's starting lineup (4-2-3-1) is as follows: Sanchez (GK) — Lamptey, Dunk, Colwill, Estupinan, Gross, Gilmour, March, Lallana, Mitoma, and Trossard.

Steele, Sarmiento, Enciso, Ferguson, Van Hecke, Veltman, Turns, Moran, and Hinshelwood are the substitutes for Brighton.

Eddie Nketiah will start up front in place of the injured Gabriel Jesus, maintaining Arteta's injury situation going into this game.

Oleksandr Zinchenko replaced Kieran Tierney in the win over West Ham because Takehiro Tomiyasu and Emile Smith Rowe were back in training but were still not match-ready.

Ramsdale (GK) is joined by White, Saliba, Gabriel, Zinchenko, Xhaka, Partey, Odegaard, Saka, Nketiah, and Martinelli in the Arsenal XI (4-2-3-1).

Turner, Tierney, Tomiyasu, Cedric, Holding, Elneny, Lokonga, Vieira, and Marquinhos are the substitutes for Arsenal.

What time does Brighton's game against Arsenal start?

On December 31 at 5:30 p.m. local time, this Premier League match will begin at the AMEX Stadium.

UK: Sky Sports, BT Sport, and Amazon Prime all stream and broadcast matches, with some matches also appearing on TV. Sky Sports will carry this game live.

USA: The game will be broadcast on the Spanish-language channel Universo, which you can stream on fuboTV. The Peacock platform from NBC allows access to the English-language feed.

Canada: FuboTV is the only live streaming service available in Canada for every Premier League match this season.

Australia: Optus Sport offers live and on-demand streaming of every match for Australian fans.

India: Premier League games may be viewed on the Star Sports network in India. Select matches will also be available via regional feeds on Star Sports 3 (in Bengali, English, Kannada, and Malayalam), Star Sports 1 (Bangla), and Star Sports 1 (English), in addition to an English broadcast on Star Sports Select (Tamil).

بالرغم من ان الدولار وصل ل 50 ارتفع تاني في السوق السودا

 طبعا ده بسبب نقص المعروض  في البنوك و سوق الصرف  مع زيادة الطلب عليه للسفر او  لاداء العمرة و طبعا البنوك عندها نقص في الدولار بعد ما خرج م...