It is amazing that the progress that came with more means of luxury and comfort and with more facilities for people...was met by people with more rejection, discontent, and dissatisfaction, so we saw the suicide statistics rising with indicators of progress in every country...the more civilized the country, the greater the number of those who divorce They shoot themselves with bullets, throw themselves out of windows, swallow poison, and drink fire water.. This is different from suicide which is disguised as alcohol, drugs, smoking, hypnotics, sedatives, and stimulants. Knowledge and guidance.
The wave reached our country, and newspaper columns were filled with news of poison swallowing, shooting, hanging, and burning.. Specialists said that the statistical increase rate exceeded twenty percent.. which is a large number.
And the increase continues year after year.
And the question is.. why.. and what is the secret?
And what is the cause of suicide?
And if we leave aside the details and try to root the problem, we find that all the reasons for suicide end in one reason.. that we are facing a person whose expectations have been disappointed and who no longer finds in himself determination, energy, or willingness to reconcile with the new reality or be patient with the old reality.
It is a moment of running out of energy, impatience, running out of resourcefulness, and running out of determination.
The moment you throw your weapon... despair... it soon turns into accusation and condemnation of others and the world, then enmity to oneself, others, and the world continues to escalate and worsen until it turns into a war of a different kind that one declares against himself and wages against himself, and in a moment of climax His hand picks up the weapon to uproot the problem from its roots.. and to eradicate with it the bitter feeling by obliterating the eye that sees, cutting off the tongue that tastes, destroying the brain that thinks, destroying the hand that does and the foot that walks.
And it is a kind of unilateralism in opinion, unilateralism in the solution, the confiscation of all other opinions, but rather the denial of the eligibility of every existence other than the self.
That is why the moment of suicide necessarily included disbelief in God, denial of Him, denial of His bounty, despair of His mercy, accusation of His craft and justice, rejection of His hands, rejection of His judgments, and rejection of His intervention.
It is a moment of growing up, height, arrogance and tyranny.
It is not a moment of weakness, misery and brokenness.
Without this loftiness, arrogance, and arrogance, suicide can never happen.
A person does not commit suicide except in a moment of absolute dictatorship and blind fanaticism in which he sees only himself.
Suicide is at its core self-esteem, deification, and the contestation of God in his lordship.
And the suicide bomber chooses himself and confiscates all kinds of other existence in a moment of absolute oppression... in a moment of hell...
That is why God says that whoever kills himself will fall into eternal hell, because he has chosen hatred and won victory for hatred and took the side of hatred when the final choice of fate.
Absolute unilateralism in opinion is partisanship, malice, and Satanic fieryness.. The arrogant soul that leads to evil is pure fire and darkness.
And each of us has within him several possibilities for multiple souls.. Within each of us is a dark soul that whispers to him with evil and desires.. and a soul of light that urges him to do good, and then all the psychological levels, higher and lower, above and below these two levels.
And every soul is in a state of continuous fluctuation between these ranks, ascending and descending. Sometimes it rises to inspiring horizons, and at other times it descends into dark, lustful abysses.
Then, in the end, it settles.. If it settles on rejection, arrogance, arrogance, and malice, then its teeth, tongue, hearing, and sight are pulled out, and its neck is cut in a final and irreversible shackle.. She has already chosen hell.. Rather, it is in itself a fist of fire that does not A place for her except in hell.
(A fire whose fuel is people and stones)
Our Lord says that these souls are the fuel and embers of fire and the source of fiery energy in them, and this means that they are more fiery than fire.
And the person who commits suicide imagines that he will get rid of himself, but there is no salvation or escape for a person from himself, for he will not get out by committing suicide to rest, but he is emerging from the minor fire to the major fire and from the temporal fire to the eternal fire.
In order to avoid this fate, we must avoid the problem in the first place.
The problem in the first place is attachment.. He who has no attachment to something should not commit suicide because of something.
And it is not permissible for the believers to attach themselves except to God, for He alone is the collector of perfections, the permanent, the eternal, the one who does not change, the expectations are not disappointed, and the hopes are not lost.
And God is the beloved alone in the face of originality, and we do not love in others except His manifestations and lights. The beauty of faces is from His light and the tenderness of hearts is from His tenderness.
We do not love each other but Him.
He is present, he is not absent, he is not deserted, he is not betrayed, he does not close his door in the face of a refugee, and he is not expelled from his spaciousness.
Those who stand with him are reassured, content, soft, and they do not think of suicide, and they are happy in all circumstances.
Rather, he who is attached to others commits suicide.
The one who became attached to his night and his mistress and thought that her beauty was from her, so he attached to her for her own sake, the attachment of worship, and he began to expect from her what a slave expects from an idol and tied himself to her as a bond of destiny. And he forgot that she is deficient, like the rest of creation, and is subject to change and alteration. Conditions and fluctuations circulate over her, so she hates today what she loved yesterday, and abandons tomorrow what she adored today.
And he forgot that her beauty is borrowed from her creator, and that she is a loan for a term, and when the term ends, she will return uglier than ugliness.
Such a veiled, inattentive man, when he wakes up to a bitter awakening and is surprised by treachery and transformation, feels the feeling of losing all his credit and the bankruptcy of death, and there is nothing left for him but suicide.
And if he had seen its beauty from its Creator, he would have loved in it the creativity of the craftsmanship of the maker, and he would have been among the people of glorification who say when they see every flower .. God .. If they see it withered at the end of the day .. they say: Truly there is no god but God .. Their love is for God and in God and in God and Their bonds are bonds of affection and favor that have no purpose, no purpose, and no expectation.
These people are always safe.
And they are the people of tranquility and tranquillity, they are not shaken by earthquakes, and calamities do not move them.
They are the people of reassurance today.
And they are the people of tranquility on the day of great terror.And they only relate to God.
And they hope only in God.
And they only expect from God.
The problem is primarily a problem of faith.. The more technology puts power, wealth, and self-sufficiency in the hands of a person, the more distant, arrogant, arrogant, and rebellious he becomes. That his strength will protect him and his knowledge will protect him, so consider his arrogance.
And did the mountain protect Noah's son from the flood?!
Rather, he was drowned.
(There is no protection today from God's command except those who have mercy).
Put your hand in the hand of God and do not move away, and it is enough for you in your relationship with people to extend your affection and mercy to them without expecting anything.. That is the lifeboat in today's world.. the world of suicide and suicide
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