Sunday, January 8, 2023

Creation story

Creation story

Creation story

The Qur’an has its style that differs from all methods.. when it refers to a scientific issue, it does not present it as Einstein presented it with equations.. nor as a (biologist) presents it by narrating anatomical details.. but rather presents it with allusions, symbols, metaphors, and metaphors. A quick glimpse and a phrase that flashes in the mind like a flash of lightning. He throws a word that his contemporaries may miss understanding and interpretation.. but he knows that history and the future will explain this word and prove it in detail.

((We will show them Our signs on the horizons and in themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth)) (53 - Fussilat)

And God says of his words:

((And none knows its interpretation except Allah..)) (7 - Al-Imran)

He says about the Qur'an:

((Then We have to explain it)) (19 - Resurrection)

That is, he will explain and explain it in the future of ages and ages.

So what did the Qur’an say about the story of creation?

He says of God in the first beginning:

((Then He directed Himself to the sky while it was smoke..)) (11 - Fussilat)

In the beginning it was something like smoke from which the universe with its stars and suns came:

((The night overlaps the day and the day overlaps the night..)) (5 - Al-Zumar)

It is a verse that cannot be explained except by imagining that the earth is spherical and the night and day are like two hemispheres, sliding one over the other due to the continuous rotation of this sphere. :

((And the moon we estimated it for phases until it returned like the old lame)) (39 - Yaseen)

And the Arjun is the old, withered branch of the palm tree, with no greenery, no water, and no life.

((It is not necessary for the sun to overtake the moon, nor should the night precede the day, and all swim in an orbit.)) (40 - Ya-Seen)

Rather, it describes space as having roads, streams, and pathways.

((By the sky with your weaves)) (7 - Adh-Dhariyat)

And your love is the tracks.

He describes the earth as being like an egg:

((And the earth after that He spread it out)) (30 - Al-Nazi’at)

And he flattened it, that is, made it like an egg (the egg), which agrees with the latest astronomical opinions about the shape of the earth.

It introduces the idea of hidden movement behind the apparent stillness:

((And you see the mountains, thinking that they are rigid, while they pass by as the clouds pass..)) (88 - An-Naml)

The likeness of a mountain to a cloud is an analogy that suggests to the mind a loose, loose atomic formation, which is what the mountain is actually on, so the rigid forms are only an illusion, and everything consists of atoms in a state of movement..and the whole earth with its mountains is in a state of movement.

And what the old commentators say about this verse describing what will happen on the Day of Resurrection.. is an incorrect interpretation because the Day of Resurrection is the day of certainty and clear-eyed, and it is not said on such a day ((and you see the mountains and you count them)).. so there is no reason for doubt about it. that day.

((And they ask you about the mountains, so say: My Lord will blow them away)) (Taha 105)

This is the resurrection in truth, there is no room here for the eye to see and think the thing is standing while it is blowing up.. The verse then describes the state of the mountains in the world and it cannot be otherwise.

Then the Qur’an tells us after that what happens to the rain water:

((Have you not seen that God sent down water from the sky and made it flow into springs on the earth..)) (21 - Al-Zumar)

Thus, he explains the cycle of groundwater from the sky to the surface of the earth to its hollow to underground reservoirs and then to fountains and springs that return to the surface of the earth again.

Then comes the mention of life.

((And We made from water every living thing..)) (30 - The Prophets)

((And God created every animal from water..)) (45 - An-Nur)

((You disbelieved in Him who created you from dust..)) (Al-Kahf 37)

((And when your Lord said to the angels, “Indeed, I am creating a human being out of clay, out of aged sludge.” (Al-Hijr 28)

The aged sludge is the fermented, rancid mud.

Sometimes he mentions that life was created from water, and another time he mentions that it was created from dust, then he returns and specifies and says from mud, or to be precise, the stinky, fermented water mixed with dirt.. which is a strange and accurate agreement with the discoveries of science after a thousand and four hundred years

And in Surat Al-A’raf, he tells in more detail:

((And We created you, then fashioned you, then said to the angels, “Prostrate before Adam.” So they prostrated, except for Iblis, who was not among those who prostrate.) (Al-A’raf 11)

In this verse, it is specified that the creation of man took place in stages of time

((We created you, then fashioned you, then said to the angels: “Prostrate before Adam”)) (Al-A’raf 11)

And time in the divine sense is very long:

((And a day with your Lord is like a thousand years of what you count)) (47 - Hajj)

And elsewhere:

((The angels and the spirit ascend to Him on a day the length of which is fifty thousand years)) (4 - Al-Ma’arij)

These, then, are the days of God.. and they are something like eternity and eras for us. If God said, We created you, then we formed you.. Then the picture was completed by the creation of Adam, so we said to the angels, prostrate to Adam.. This means that Adam came through stages of creation, formation, and leveling that took millions of years. In our time and days in the eternal time of God..

((And He created you in phases)) (Noah 14)

What it means is that before Adam there were forms and types of creatures, of which he came to the peak

((Did there ever come upon man a time when he was not something mentioned)) (1 - Al-Insan)

A reference to an outdated stage of time when man was not worth anything. And the Qur’an says about God that He is:

((He who gave everything its creation and then guided)) (50 - Taha)

That is, he guided the process of evolution until it reached its climax in Adam.

((And there is no animal on the earth and no bird that flies with its wings but nations like you..)) (38 - Al-An'am)

((And God caused you to grow plants from the earth)) (Noah 17)

A close link between the human nation and the nations of animals and birds, then a link between humans, animals and plants.

((And We have certainly created man from an offspring of clay)) (12 - The Believers)

And it is an explicit indication that man was not created from clay in the beginning.. but was created from strains that came from clay.. there

An intermediate stage between man and clay.. It is many successive strains that were a prelude to the emergence of the superior human type.. Then the Qur’an tells us about the creation of the embryo, telling us that the creation of bones precedes the creation of muscles:

((So We made the embryonic bones and clothed the bones with flesh..)) (14 - The Believers)

It is known in embryology that the formation of the backbone preceded the formation of muscles, and about this formation he says:

((He creates you in the wombs of your mothers, creation after creation, in three darkness..)) (6 - Al-Zumar)

He reveals to us the creation inside the womb, describing it as taking place in phases... creation after creation... and that it takes place within three darknesses... and the three darknesses are: the darkness of the abdomen, the darkness of the womb, and the darkness of (the amniotic cover).. Each chamber is inside the other. ..and the fetus is in its heart, which are anatomical facts..or are the three darknesses of the membranes that make up the fetus itself, which is another fact.
((And that He created the two spouses, the male and the female, from a sperm-drop when he desired)) (45, 46 - An-Najm).

And we know now that the sperm that is ejaculated is the one that determines the sex of the newborn, whether it is male or female, and not the egg, because it is the only one that contains the sex-determining factors.
How did the Qur’an come with these approvals that agreed with the results of science, research and strenuous efforts over hundreds of years!..a coincidence?!

And if we accept one coincidence, how do we accept the rest?

And how can an illiterate prophet come to mind with problems, issues and facts that his era did not know?.. and did not appear until more than one thousand three hundred years after his death?

And if we take the atheist Western interpretation, which sees in those words that come from Muhammad’s tongue a picture of the activity of a subconscious mind that is completely open to the absolute truth. God and contact with him only revelation specific.

Is Al-haj Rituals Paganism ?

Is Al-haj Rituals Paganism ?

Is Al-haj Rituals Paganism ?

My friend said while rubbing his hands with relief and smiling a sly smile that showed his molars, and his eyes shone with that sparkle that appears on the face of a boxer when he prepares to deliver a fatal blow.

- Don't you notice with me that the rituals of pilgrimage to you are outright pagan? That stone building that you call the Kaaba, and you touch it and circumambulate it, and stoning the Devil.. and jogging between Safa and Marwa, and kissing the Black Stone..

And the story of the seven rafts, the seven stonings, and the seven jogs, which are remnants of the myth of the talismanic numbers in ancient sorcery, and the garment of ihram that you wear over meat.

Do not blame me if I hurt you with this frankness, but there is no shame in knowledge.

He slowly exhaled the smoke of his cigarette and watched me from behind his glasses.

I said quietly:

- Don't you also notice with me that in the laws of matter that you have studied, the smaller one circumambulates the larger one?

The electron in the atom revolves around the nucleus, the moon around the earth, the earth around the sun, the sun around the galaxy, and the galaxy around a larger galaxy, until we reach the “absolutely greatest” which is God. .

And you are now circumambulating around it within your solar system despite your nose, and you have no choice but to circumambulate, for nothing is fixed in the universe except God, who is the Samad, the Steadfast, the One who is still, and everyone is in motion around Him.

This is the law of the largest and least in physics.

As for us, we circumambulate by choice around the house of God..

It is the first house that man made to worship God.

From that time immemorial, it became a symbol and a home for God.

Don't you go around a mummified man in the Kremlin, glorifying him and saying that he benefited humanity, and if you knew Shakespeare's grave, you would race to visit him more than we race to visit Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him..

Don't you put a bouquet of roses on a stone monument and say that it symbolizes the unknown soldier, so why do you blame us because we throw a stone on a symbolic monument that we say symbolizes Satan?

Do you not live in a jog from your birth to your death, then after your death your son starts jogging again, and it is the same symbolic journey from Safa (purity or emptiness or emptiness a symbol of non-existence) to Marwa, which is the spring that symbolizes life and existence..

From nothingness to being, then from being to nothingness.

Is this not the pendulum movement of all creatures?

Don't you see in the rituals of Hajj a deep symbolic summary of all these mysteries?

And the number 7 that you are making fun of.. Let me ask you what is the secret that the degrees of the musical scale are 7 sol la se do re mi fa, then after the seventh denominator the answer to the sol comes again.. We do not find 8, but rather we go back to seven other degrees and so on, as well as the degrees of the spectrum Light 7 Likewise, electrons revolve around the nucleus of an atom in ranges 7, and the fetus is not complete except in the 7th month, and if it is born before that, it dies, and the days of the week are with us and with all members of the human race 7 and they put it like that without sitting down and agreeing..

Doesn't that indicate anything..or are all of these sciences also talismanic sorcery?

Don't you accept a letter from your sweetheart... Are you pagan? So why do you blame us if we kissed that black stone that our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, carried in his dress and kissed him? There is no paganism in that at all.. because we do not turn our worship rites towards the stones themselves.. but rather towards the deep meanings, symbols and memories.

The rituals of Hajj are several occasions to move the mind, rekindle feelings, and arouse piety in the heart. As for the ihram garment that we wear over the flesh, and we stipulate that it not be stitched, it is a symbol of leaving the adornments of this world and of complete detachment before the presence of the Creator. And we say: Nothing befits the majesty of God except to be stripped and to take off all adornments because he is greater than all kings, and because nothing is appropriate in standing before Him except complete humility and detachment. and riches.

Hajj is a great gathering and an annual conference.

Likewise, the Friday prayer, which is the small conference in which we meet every week.

They are all beautiful meanings for those who think and meditate.. and they are far from paganism.

And if you stood with me in Arafah among several million people saying God is great and reciting the Qur’an in more than twenty languages and chanting “Labbaik, O Allah, at your service” and crying and melting with longing and love – you too would have wept without knowing and dissolving in the great crowd of people. He holds the reins of everything.

The city is a sticky stuffy thing

The city is a sticky stuffy thing

The city is a sticky stuffy thing

Many of the thinkers who criticized the life of the city with its overcrowding and extreme hustle and bustle, including Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud, who criticized the life of the city by writing these lines.

A city is a sticky, claustrophobic thing

Narrow houses like shops.. People crowded in lines whispering suspiciously, exchanging fear, telling lies, taking sleeping pills and knowing no taste for sleep.. Shaved trees.. Faces covered with powders.. Nails covered with paint.. Lips that were hidden behind cold, traditional smiles that do not indicate. On something.. The language that has become... cheap, flimsy, and vulgar because of the abundance of hypocrisy, pretentiousness, and workmanship that has entered it.. The friendship that has become a craft.. The passion that has turned into a way to reach..

The opportunists who have spread everywhere are buzzing like flies... the innocence that has died.

A chronic disease that has a thousand and one names: ulcers, colon, salts, sugar, pressure, liver, angina, insomnia, anxiety, and it is one disease whose real name is the city.

These thoughts crossed my mind while I was at an altitude of ten thousand feet, flying to Tanganyika, to black Africa.

How white she seemed to me at that moment.. white of heart

I used to feel that I was sick with a chronic disease called "the city"... an incurable disease... an incurable addiction to fabricating everything... artificial speech... artificial behavior... artificial politeness...

My only hope for recovery was the forest. He speaks in his own way, as a jungle beast does when it howls in the morning, without searching for a preamble for its howl.

What a freedom



Every day we read about... robots... the automatic brain... the electronic mind... and we hear about the invention of a radar eye to guard safes... and the creation of a wireless ear to catch thieves... and an artificial lung for paralyzed people... and an artificial kidney for uremia patients... And a plastic heart for heart patients.

Does this mean that science can equate for us a human being who feels, feels, walks, and speaks like him, just like us.. by simply installing some electrical connections, bulbs, and transistor batteries?

When the man in the street reads this news, he laughs and says with his familiar naivety.

And it's not a naive remark.

This observation is the only profound difference between the machine and the human being.

Any invention, from the wristwatch to the atomic bomb to the moon rocket, is just a game with a zip.

A game that has no brain.. no soul.. and no will.. a game that cannot want for itself.. but rather depends on what you want for it when you turn its springs and control its hands.

The typewriter writes what you dictate to it, but it cannot compose anything for itself.

The calculator subtracts, adds, and divides.. but it cannot get tired, despair, scream, or protest against the absurdity of the numbers it adds and subtracts.

The artificial lung breathes, but it cannot gasp with fear or eagerness.

And the plastic heart beats.. but it cannot beat with love or desire.

And the thing that lacks these things we call the soul.. So what is the soul?

The plank of wood swims in the water.. and the fish of the sea also swims in the water.

But a plank of wood has no will.. All that it does is give itself over to the current, throwing it to the right and left, forward and backward.. It surrenders itself to the natural laws, which lift it up by virtue of its light density.. and it surrenders itself to factors Corruption and spoilage eat in it until it dissolves and crumbles into dust.

As for the sea fish, it moves according to its own mood... it swims against the current... and does not surrender itself to the natural law, but rather revolts against it and swims upwards against gravity... and swims downward against the law of density... and it does not surrender itself to the factors of corruption. Corruption only feeds, grows, multiplies, and attacks every enemy that thinks of killing it.

The sea fish has a soul..

A cotton worm.. and a stick of macaroni sticks.. both of them wriggle in your hand, and both are soft and wormy.. but they are separated except for this appearance.. and they are very different.

The stick of pasta is dried by the sun, melted by moisture, and eaten by ants..and it succumbs to all these factors helplessly..

As for the cotton worm, it resists all these factors with a stubborn will in it.. and it does more than this.. it eats toxaphene.. and gets used to it and gains immunity against it.. and overcomes this deadly poison and overcomes it.. because it has a soul. .

A grain of gravel.. and a grain of corn..they may look alike..and a sculptor can carve a seed out of stone that you cannot separate from a seed of corn..but if you plant the two, each of them will differ greatly from the other.

The grain of gravel will sink into the mud and be pulled by the Earth's gravity.

And from a grain of corn, an embryo will emerge from it that will grow upward like a projectile, rebelling against the earth’s gravity and ascending with its green leaves towards the sun.

A grain of corn has a soul.

What is the soul..

The spirit is a revolution against necessity and automatic laws.. It is freedom, subjectivity, entity, personality, and will

And we say that a person has a soul, because he cannot be controlled by a zombie... and nothing can control him except his mood, his mood, his freedom, and his whims.

And science will not be able to make a human being.. because it only makes dumbbells.. and it only innovates machines and machines in which it exploits the natural laws that it discovered.

It is always within the realm of machines and sensible objects

The soul is the first of its attributes to violate the laws, to be above them, to rise above them, above logic, and above reason, and that is why it is ever-renewable.

It is possible to predict the eclipse of the sun.. and the movement of the moon.. but it is impossible to predict the intentions hidden in a human soul.. because it is not subject to any law other than its own law.. and its whims and moods..

And in one word... it has a soul... it has a secret beyond the reach of any force...

Spirit is freedom

It is an absolute beginning over which no one has control.

Man has a soul.. because there is freedom in him.. and this freedom is what created science with all its inventions and innovations.. and it will create more science every day.. but science will never create it.

There is no illusion that feels as real as love

There is no illusion that feels as real as love

Love. This magical word that takes up a huge part of the discussion in all places and all arenas of discussion, as if the world is not permissible without it, as if it is the absolute truth that is not adjacent to a truth.

But what is shocking to you, dear reader, is that the issue of love takes more than it deserves in reality if love is compared to a reality like death..and this wonderful article by Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud refutes the matter completely and gives judgment and expressions about love and the truth of its value in life..

There is no reality that we deal with as if it were an illusion like death!! There is nothing more certain than death, and yet we never think that we will die, and if it happens and our thought does not exceed our thinking while they are passing through the breeze.

And vice versa in the case of love, although love is always something that is adorned by imagination, amplified by illusion, embodied by imagination, and desires blown into it, and although love ignites and extinguishes, heats up and cools down, and although its conditions and fluctuations testify that it is a great illusion, we deal with it. With awe, reverence, respect, and submission.. and we remain in this mixing and mixing until we wake up from the shock, so we wake up and regain our senses for days, months, or years, but we soon surrender to a new swoon.

And the reason for the confusion and mixing is always a mistake in the attribution.. We always attribute the beauty that we saw and the tenderness that we tasted to its owner even though she is neither his owner nor his owner.. And if a woman possessed her beauty, it would perpetuate her.. But the beauty did not last for anyone, because it A grant and a loan from God with a fixed term and time, and it is a loan that he takes back at the right time.. Its owner and owner is God, not any woman.

Likewise, everything we adore of tenderness, affection, compassion, dream, and generosity are all dislocations, grants, and borrowed descriptions from the kind, merciful, kind, and generous person.

But the eye that adores beauty misses its lineage and ownership, so it thinks it belongs to its owner, so it adores its owner and worships its owner.

And she remains in this illusion until she wakes up to the ugliness peeking out from under the powders and the cruelty appearing from behind the eyelashes, so she wakes up to the shock and suffers and suffers and regrets and considers and repents, then she returns and forgets and slips into a new illusion..

And that is the continuous heedlessness in which we all live.. We wake up from it for moments to return, and then we plunge into its slumber again. And no one is spared from this calamity except an infallible prophet or a knowing guardian whose Lord protects him and covers him with His protection.. So he does not see wherever he turns except for the face of God.

(Wherever you turn, then there is the face of God)

He is the beauty in all that is beautiful, and he is compassion, tenderness, generosity, dream and affection. his face.

Thus, this gnostic sees nothing but the face of God wherever he turns. He is always whispering, God, God, God, God, God. Everything.. does not exaggerate.. is related to meanings and not to utensils.

It is for this reason that it is not divided, dispersed, or lost in attention, but it is always attracted to God.

But the likes of this man are few and rare, like diamonds and uranium, and the likes of him do not exceed

Individuals and lonely among the thousands of millions of the unconscious crowd

And it is a general and prevailing negligence in which no knowledge, culture, doctorate, or master’s degree can be saved, for these are the doors of vanity that increase negligence. So his affliction becomes double and his back-breaking shock.

Life passes in a series of inattentiveness and fainting, the sum of which at the end is zero, or it is in fact a subtraction and not a plural. In the end, its totality is in the negative and not in the positive, as the life of its owner is decreasing day after day and year after year.. He goes from illusion to illusion and from deception to deception.. His condition is like that of a drinker of salty water, the more he drinks, the more thirsty he gets.. he does not get He is calm and does not attain tranquillity, but is constantly descending from anxiety to anxiety, from rupture to rupture, and from fragmentation to fragmentation, until his life ends without fruit, and his harvest ends in vain.

And that is the hedonistic mentality prevalent today in a pagan world, whose idols are pleasure, dominance and passion.. Everyone idolizes himself, his book is his opinion, and his constitution is his interest.

And the situation in the underdeveloped and developing nations is worse than it is in the developed nations.. And they are nations whose sum is sometimes ((the product of subtracting their members)) and not the sum of their sum, because they are disunited, divided, far apart like islands lost in the sea.. striking each other.. and their resolve is consumed. ...and their power is nothing..

They talk about loneliness.

And there is no unity except in the One.

He alone is the One, there is no god but Him. By which each one emerges from his fragments, nations emerge from their fragmentation, and the world emerges from its division.

The issue is primarily an issue of faith.

It's a vision issue.

How do we see the world..?

And how do we look around us?

And how do we love?

Can we be that gnostic who does not see in everything except the One.. and does not see except the face of his Lord in every beloved.

Can we verify the verse:

(Wherever they turn, there is the face of God).

And in this context we love and in this framework we hate.

That is hard jihad.and no choice..

And there is no other way.

And each one has his intention.

And each and every one..

And the lesson of every life at its conclusion.. Let us hasten to struggle and roll up our sleeves so that the yield of our life is not zero, and so that each day does not lead us to a decrease, and so that each of our days does not become subtracted from the one before it.

God created temptation to test the hearts and for the adults to know themselves and for the children to know themselves from the beginning.

Saturday, January 7, 2023



How did the cells come together in the embryo of the plant to form a flower? And how it arose

The flower has feminine organs and male organs, then the bees came with an instinct that they do not realize to transfer pollen grains from the male organs to the female organs, thus creating a fertilized egg that then turns into a seed.

Then a cold wave comes, and the air becomes cloudy, and the clouds fall as rain.. and the water droplets creep into the cracks until they reach the roots, so they strive through their hairy channels until they reach the stems and branches, and climb until they reach the flower to water it again. With its colors, the music of pollination and procreation continues, fruits and seeds come out, and the harvest time comes, and hands stretch out to gather and pick, and the apple reaches your table, so you eat and be satisfied, forgetting this chain of unseen soldiers that have been working at your service since the rising of the sun, and you do not know.. and they are also the same.

You don't know? He is God behind all who commands the elements and manages everything.

Who planted you the plains and the slopes of the mountains? And who planted the forests for you that came out like satanic plants around the equator, and there are coconuts, pineapples, and everything your heart desires? And who froze the water at the poles so that it flows after that in the spring and summer to fill the sources of the rivers so that there will be greenery, legumes, fruits and a rich table of every kind..?!!

And who drives you whales and fish to your shore to hunt and eat these various meals rich in elements and vitamins?!

Have you seen how pomegranates and grape clusters lined up in their picks like agate coral earrings?!

It is clear that there was a pre-arrangement for all of this.. and that there was preparation for this generous and generous banquet.. and geologists.. say that the earth was at its beginning different from the earth.. and the atmosphere was different from the atmosphere.. and that iron came to the earth from particles ejected from stars Explosive in the far reaches of the galaxy in far space

And We sent down iron, in which there is great strength and benefits for people (25 Al-Hadid). Iron came to us from the sky with amazing heavenly mining and equipment.

And this strength would not have been completed and that hardness would not have arisen had it not been for those particles and their formative action in the iron atom to create the coherent iron that we know in its strength, strength and hardness.. and to establish countless arsenals and weapons industries

And the earth that split into flats, plates, continents, and oceans...and the heavens that extended into boundless spaces.

And the sky We built it with hands, and we are expanding (47 - Al-Dhariyat), a reference to the continuous expansion by hidden forces.

And the galaxies have already diverged since their inception.. and the stellar clusters are in continuous glorification and calculated divergence, and space is getting wider.. as if a balloon is expanding, widening, and about to explode.. it is a tremendous formative instrumental.. led by a great maestro like nothing else.. a creative creator

There are no limits to his abilities.. He is the Lord and maker of this universe.

This is his amazing.. wondrous world

So what about our world? What about our upbringing?

God created our father Adam and our mother Eve in a perfect world, then God brought us down from it because of disobedience and the seduction of Satan

And Adam disobeyed his Lord, so he deceive(121- Taha)

He said, "Go down from it, all of you, enemies to each other."(123- Taha)

Thus, our descent from the perfect world to the world of toil, trials, conflict, enemies and wars was our descent into the land of trial and suffering, and the final wisdom in this suffering was the test, examination, sorting and classification, where the ranks come in the end according to their merits. In our world we experience similar stages of sorting and classification in The stages of our education from primary to secondary to university to graduate the highest grades. Where you can invent and innovate, and you have rights and intellectual property that you sell to whoever you want at the price you want and become a Nobel Prize holder and a millionaire.

The useful conclusion is that this universe in which we live has a meaning.. and that the world is a hypothetical model for its end, which will come later to be perfect in its bliss, perfect in its punishment.. for those who pass this exam.. and for those who fail in it as well.

No injustice today

This is how the hymn of the heavens, including the creatures of the hour of the end, will be.. Because planning is great, justice is absolute, and construction is extremely precise.. No injustice today.. Splendor in everything

But you see all this from the beginning in the leaf of the tree.. in the wing of the butterfly.. in the web of the spider.. in the corn.. in the galaxy.. in the clamor of nightingales.. in the song of the birds.. in the quest of the snake to its hole.. and in the hum of the bee around live it

And you see this in the living cell, in the miracle of the gene, in the protein molecule, in the fingerprint

And you hear with your ears an echo of this amazing composition in a symphony by Beethoven, and in the song of Karawan in the middle of the night.. and in the voice of Fayrouz when it resonates in her Rahbani operas.. and in the voice of Sayyid Darwish when he shouts in his lofty voice.. I am the Egyptian.. the generous of the two races.. and all history erupts with The uprising of his voice.. as if all time stopped to listen.. and then he knew with certainty.. why did God mention Egypt by name in the Holy Qur’an in seven places.. and he did not mention Russia, America, England, or France.. because Egypt is the cradle of all worships.. and the mother of history

Our Lord has mentioned the two fingers in the Holy Qur’an and that He will restore the image of the fingerprint to its original on the Day of Resurrection as it was in this world with its owner

Indeed, we are able to straighten its fingertips and know now.. what is a fingerprint.. and what is the aspect of miraculousness in it.. and how two fingerprints are not alike from the beginning of creation until the Day of Resurrection.. it is a fleeting gesture.. but it makes the mind goosebumps

The speaker is great and knowledgeable in comprehensive encyclopedic knowledge. He speaks from the threshold of absolute sincerity, and we have nothing but listening and reverence.

We thank our Lord that we were born Arabs. We know our Arabic language smoothly and understand it with taste.

I do not like to deviate from the main meaning or from the essence of the context that I chose from the beginning of the article.. that there is a wise deliberate measure in everything.. and that there is no place for chance.. and there is no site for randomness.. and if randomness occurs, then it has a role in the general construction. And it will be necessary in the course of events.. and its time will not be random, but it will be an intentional measure

Everything that happened was planned, intended, and intended from the beginning.. There was a will behind everything that happened

And there was a Creator, Creator and Creator

And what happened had to happen

There is no superfluous member in your face

Distortion, if it occurs, a plastic surgeon appears to treat it

And every herb is an integrated pharmacy

The ant is a collection of poetry in the accuracy of its composition and the multiplicity of its talents

And in the house of the ants there is order, rule, a constitution, and a language. An ant said, “O ants, enter your dwellings, lest Solomon and his soldiers destroy you.” The ant knew Solomon by name.

How do.. ?!

Is it possible for the ant to know you by your name while climbing on the wall and realizing that you are sick and in a perverted mood and telling its family your story.. Will it testify against you in the afterlife and tell about your crime..? What the ant says in the Holy Qur’an indicates that it is a whole world, despite its small size and insignificant status. It indicates that we know about it less than a little.

What is said about the ant is said about any insect, just as it is said about the microbe, the virus, and the corn. The whole world is alive and speaking in its own way. .. It is the knowledge that God singles out for His angels and His messengers

In conclusion, we are ignorant of much more than we imagine.. and that we are blind, deaf, and dumb, despite what we imagine of our fluent tongues, our knowledge of languages, and our study of physics, chemistry, computers, and software.. What we know is a drop in the sea.. What we see is just an incomplete profile, and what we hear whispering.. What we see are ghosts.. What we perceive as frameworks, structures, and addresses, while Matters and facts are mysteries, letters are secrets, and true knowledge is the knowledge of hearts that only inspired individuals can reach

And it is knowledge that can only be with the permission of the Lord of hearts

It is only for the elite of the chosen elite

The door to this knowledge is complete prostration

It is not the prostration of the body alone, but rather the prostration of the heart, the prostration of the senses, the prostration of the mind, the prostration of awareness, and submission of all perceptions to God.

And note to us about this degree of detachment, and I do not think that it comes from diligence.

The weakest knowledge is what you take from a book and what you receive from a teacher

And the greatest of scholars are the chosen ones from their Lord, and they are the messengers and those in their rank

The first stage for acquiring this knowledge is politeness, modesty, not seeing oneself in anything, and seeing God in everything.

Are you from this elite.. and can you have privacy.. and can you have a chance of inspiration

Read the article from the beginning and look back at the life around you and try to understand how its vocabulary came together to compose this wonderful symphony.

And meditate on it prostrating, admiring, fascinated.. That is the beginning of knowledge. As for the end of knowledge, it is what falls in your heart of fear, in your actions of observation, in your conscience of vigilance, and in your behavior of piety.. as Moses said, and he hastened up the mountain in response to the call of his Lord.. and the Jews scurried after him. .

They are on my trail, and I hasten to you, Lord, to satisfy you

(84- Taha)

And just as the foolish do the opposite by hastening to satisfy their whims, and God is more deserving of them satisfying Him.. the condition of the pure and righteous believers is the opposite.. they are not preoccupied with anything but the satisfaction of their Lord alone.

Ask yourself who you are trying to please in your life.. This is the important question

Religion is morals first and foremost

It is behaviour.. etiquette.. and sophistication

It is for this reason that the world and its temptations were created, so that in the end one knows where the aspiration is directed and what the desire is related to

The ascent to Arafat, the circumambulation around the Kaaba, the stoning and the Talbiyah... and jogging between Safa and Marwah... are only symbols of this relentless pursuit... and ablution and prayer are nothing but purification and mobilization for this moment

Prostration itself is a symbol of subconscious reverence

Are you humbled?!

Are you really Sajid?!

So why do you steal, bribe, lie, cheat, and paint like a chameleon with whims and interests? You are therefore a liar.. and your fate in the end.. deportation.. fall.. and the abyss.. Religion is not a wheezing of the tongue, but rather a ascent of the mind, spirit, and conscience.

Religion is not political ambitions, and it is not a means to jump on chairs and manufacture coups.

The story of Alexander the Great

The story of Alexander the Great

How did the cells come together in the embryo of the plant to form a flower? And how it arose

The flower has feminine organs and male organs, then the bees came with an instinct that they do not realize to transfer pollen grains from the male organs to the female organs, thus creating a fertilized egg that then turns into a seed.

Then a cold wave comes, and the air becomes cloudy, and the clouds fall as rain.. and the water droplets creep into the cracks until they reach the roots, so they strive through their hairy channels until they reach the stems and branches, and climb until they reach the flower to water it again. With its colors, the music of pollination and procreation continues, fruits and seeds come out, and the harvest time comes, and hands stretch out to gather and pick, and the apple reaches your table, so you eat and be satisfied, forgetting this chain of unseen soldiers that have been working at your service since the rising of the sun, and you do not know.. and they are also the same.

You don't know? He is God behind all who commands the elements and manages everything.

Who planted you the plains and the slopes of the mountains? And who planted the forests for you that came out like satanic plants around the equator, and there are coconuts, pineapples, and everything your heart desires? And who froze the water at the poles so that it flows after that in the spring and summer to fill the sources of the rivers so that there will be greenery, legumes, fruits and a rich table of every kind..?!!

And who drives you whales and fish to your shore to hunt and eat these various meals rich in elements and vitamins?!

Have you seen how pomegranates and grape clusters lined up in their picks like agate coral earrings?!

It is clear that there was a pre-arrangement for all of this.. and that there was preparation for this generous and generous banquet.. and geologists.. say that the earth was at its beginning different from the earth.. and the atmosphere was different from the atmosphere.. and that iron came to the earth from particles ejected from stars Explosive in the far reaches of the galaxy in far space

And We sent down iron, in which there is great strength and benefits for people (25 Al-Hadid). Iron came to us from the sky with amazing heavenly mining and equipment.

And this strength would not have been completed and that hardness would not have arisen had it not been for those particles and their formative action in the iron atom to create the coherent iron that we know in its strength, strength and hardness.. and to establish countless arsenals and weapons industries

And the earth that split into flats, plates, continents, and oceans...and the heavens that extended into boundless spaces.

And the sky We built it with hands, and we are expanding (47 - Al-Dhariyat), a reference to the continuous expansion by hidden forces.

And the galaxies have already diverged since their inception.. and the stellar clusters are in continuous glorification and calculated divergence, and space is getting wider.. as if a balloon is expanding, widening, and about to explode.. it is a tremendous formative instrumental.. led by a great maestro like nothing else.. a creative creator

There are no limits to his abilities.. He is the Lord and maker of this universe.

This is his amazing.. wondrous world

So what about our world? What about our upbringing?

God created our father Adam and our mother Eve in a perfect world, then God brought us down from it because of disobedience and the seduction of Satan

And Adam disobeyed his Lord, so he deceived (121- Taha)

He said, "Go down from it, all of you, enemies to each other."

(123- Taha)

Thus, our descent from the perfect world to the world of toil, trials, conflict, enemies and wars was our descent into the land of trial and suffering, and the final wisdom in this suffering was the test, examination, sorting and classification, where the ranks come in the end according to their merits. In our world we experience similar stages of sorting and classification in The stages of our education from primary to secondary to university to graduate the highest grades. Where you can invent and innovate, and you have rights and intellectual property that you sell to whoever you want at the price you want and become a Nobel Prize holder and a millionaire.

The useful conclusion is that this universe in which we live has a meaning.. and that the world is a hypothetical model for its end, which will come later to be perfect in its bliss, perfect in its punishment.. for those who pass this exam.. and for those who fail in it as well.

No injustice today

This is how the hymn of the heavens, including the creatures of the hour of the end, will be.. Because planning is great, justice is absolute, and construction is extremely precise.. No injustice today.. Splendor in everything

But you see all this from the beginning in the leaf of the tree.. in the wing of the butterfly.. in the web of the spider.. in the corn.. in the galaxy.. in the clamor of nightingales.. in the song of the birds.. in the quest of the snake to its hole.. and in the hum of the bee around live it

And you see this in the living cell, in the miracle of the gene, in the protein molecule, in the fingerprint

And you hear with your ears an echo of this amazing composition in a symphony by Beethoven, and in the song of Karawan in the middle of the night.. and in the voice of Fayrouz when it resonates in her Rahbani operas.. and in the voice of Sayyid Darwish when he shouts in his lofty voice.. I am the Egyptian.. the generous of the two races.. and all history erupts with The uprising of his voice.. as if all time stopped to listen.. and then he knew with certainty.. why did God mention Egypt by name in the Holy Qur’an in seven places.. and he did not mention Russia, America, England, or France.. because Egypt is the cradle of all worships.. and the mother of history

Our Lord has mentioned the two fingers in the Holy Qur’an and that He will restore the image of the fingerprint to its original on the Day of Resurrection as it was in this world with its owner

Indeed, we are able to straighten its fingertips and know now.. what is a fingerprint.. and what is the aspect of miraculousness in it.. and how two fingerprints are not alike from the beginning of creation until the Day of Resurrection.. it is a fleeting gesture.. but it makes the mind goosebumps

The speaker is great and knowledgeable in comprehensive encyclopedic knowledge. He speaks from the threshold of absolute sincerity, and we have nothing but listening and reverence.

We thank our Lord that we were born Arabs. We know our Arabic language smoothly and understand it with taste.

I do not like to deviate from the main meaning or from the essence of the context that I chose from the beginning of the article.. that there is a wise deliberate measure in everything.. and that there is no place for chance.. and there is no site for randomness.. and if randomness occurs, then it has a role in the general construction. And it will be necessary in the course of events.. and its time will not be random, but it will be an intentional measure

Everything that happened was planned, intended, and intended from the beginning.. There was a will behind everything that happened

And there was a Creator, Creator and Creator

And what happened had to happen

There is no superfluous member in your face

Distortion, if it occurs, a plastic surgeon appears to treat it

And every herb is an integrated pharmacy

The ant is a collection of poetry in the accuracy of its composition and the multiplicity of its talents

And in the house of the ants there is order, rule, a constitution, and a language. An ant said, “O ants, enter your dwellings, lest Solomon and his soldiers destroy you.” The ant knew Solomon by name.

How do.. ?!

Is it possible for the ant to know you by your name while climbing on the wall and realizing that you are sick and in a perverted mood and telling its family your story.. Will it testify against you in the afterlife and tell about your crime..? What the ant says in the Holy Qur’an indicates that it is a whole world, despite its small size and insignificant status. It indicates that we know about it less than a little.

What is said about the ant is said about any insect, just as it is said about the microbe, the virus, and the corn. The whole world is alive and speaking in its own way. .. It is the knowledge that God singles out for His angels and His messengers

In conclusion, we are ignorant of much more than we imagine.. and that we are blind, deaf, and dumb, despite what we imagine of our fluent tongues, our knowledge of languages, and our study of physics, chemistry, computers, and software.. What we know is a drop in the sea.. What we see is just an incomplete profile, and what we hear whispering.. What we see are ghosts.. What we perceive as frameworks, structures, and addresses, while Matters and facts are mysteries, letters are secrets, and true knowledge is the knowledge of hearts that only inspired individuals can reach

And it is knowledge that can only be with the permission of the Lord of hearts

It is only for the elite of the chosen elite

The door to this knowledge is complete prostration

It is not the prostration of the body alone, but rather the prostration of the heart, the prostration of the senses, the prostration of the mind, the prostration of awareness, and submission of all perceptions to God.

And note to us about this degree of detachment, and I do not think that it comes from diligence.

The weakest knowledge is what you take from a book and what you receive from a teacher

And the greatest of scholars are the chosen ones from their Lord, and they are the messengers and those in their rank

The first stage for acquiring this knowledge is politeness, modesty, not seeing oneself in anything, and seeing God in everything.

Are you from this elite.. and can you have privacy.. and can you have a chance of inspiration

Read the article from the beginning and look back at the life around you and try to understand how its vocabulary came together to compose this wonderful symphony.

And meditate on it prostrating, admiring, fascinated.. That is the beginning of knowledge. As for the end of knowledge, it is what falls in your heart of fear, in your actions of observation, in your conscience of vigilance, and in your behavior of piety.. as Moses said, and he hastened up the mountain in response to the call of his Lord.. and the Jews scurried after him. .

They are on my trail, and I hasten to you, Lord, to satisfy you
(84- Taha)

And just as the foolish do the opposite by hastening to satisfy their whims, and God is more deserving of them satisfying Him.. the condition of the pure and righteous believers is the opposite.. they are not preoccupied with anything but the satisfaction of their Lord alone.

Ask yourself who you are trying to please in your life.. This is the important question

Religion is morals first and foremost

It is behaviour.. etiquette.. and sophistication

It is for this reason that the world and its temptations were created, so that in the end one knows where the aspiration is directed and what the desire is related to

The ascent to Arafat, the circumambulation around the Kaaba, the stoning and the Talbiyah... and jogging between Safa and Marwah... are only symbols of this relentless pursuit... and ablution and prayer are nothing but purification and mobilization for this moment

Prostration itself is a symbol of subconscious reverence

Are you humbled?!

Are you really Sajid?!

So why do you steal, bribe, lie, cheat, and paint like a chameleon with whims and interests? You are therefore a liar.. and your fate in the end.. deportation.. fall.. and the abyss.. Religion is not a wheezing of the tongue, but rather a ascent of the mind, spirit, and conscience.

Religion is not political ambitions, and it is not a means to jump on chairs and manufacture coups.. What happens of this kind is worldly deception.

What happened all over the world

What happened all over the world

What happened throughout the world and their width, this rancor and grudge that souls overflow with in the era of abundance, electronics, walking on the moon, agricultural mechanization, and the rise in incomes among farmers and people of crafts and handicrafts? The natural secretion of a materialistic civilization that believes only in the moment, so everyone fights to win that moment with claws and fangs, and everyone competes to plunder, steal and deceive.

There is no accountability, monitoring, or punishment for those who escape and do not tamper after death, and the world has its treasures expropriated, and its bounties have no guardian or owner, so what about the thousands of minarets, thousands of churches, and thousands of mihrabs?

The circles of remembrance and the sounds of muttering and lamentations are words that do not cross the tongue and do not cross the throats, and many say what they do not do and do what they do not say.

Yes..material civilization invaded hearts and conquered souls and intentions fell silent and corrupted most of the people of religion so they are no longer people of religion but people of the world. Matter is behind this panting and gaining gains behind this crowd and rushing with shoulders and underestimating every custom and creation and racing for pleasures and forgetting everything except harvesting the moment behind this corruption that is almost uprooted Humanity from its roots. Moment by moment, the crazy rhythm runs, and the scenes of this descending series follow.. The World 1985.

. As we see it in news bulletins, as we read it on the front pages of newspapers, and as we see it on television.. Rather, the media contribute the largest share in creating this material hunger and this sensual lust among people, and they promote it through novels, serials, and advertising flyers..

And the video leads the panting procession, and everyone runs after nothing. Sometimes I wish this deluge of hubbub would stop and people would take a vacation from this panting, even if it was a sick leave that they would spend in their bed contemplating and holding their souls accountable, and looking from afar at the Street of Life. The filming is over..the decoration is destroyed..

And it is rebuilt for the next scene. Presidents, sultans and emperors take off their clothes and put on the clothes of servants.

The servants wear the robes of kings.. The priests take off their crowns of gold and put on masks of donkeys and pigs.

Friday, January 6, 2023


Do you need to quickly determine how many ounces are in a cup? To convert tablespoons to cups, go here. Do you understand the distinction between dry and liquid ounces? Here is the most comprehensive fast reference and measurement chart for handling recipes that are written in both metric and imperial units.

Working with multiple measurements might be complicated because there are so many different recipes available. Sadly, not every measurement is made equal.

Although the language and equipment for dry and liquid ingredients are identical, there is a different formulation for each. Dry measures are based on weight, whereas liquid measurements take the volume of the liquid into account.

Although there are many internet calculators available that can give you one or two answers, they aren't detailed or simple to use. Here, you can easily translate all of your favourite recipes from ounces to cups in both metric and imperial units.

What measurement tools will you need?

You need the following three items to measure the liquid and dry ingredients:

Measurement cups with granules

The dry ingredients are measured using these cups. Sieve the flour before adding it for measurement if you wish to use granulated measuring cups. For a measurement to be accurate, this is crucial.

Even though the majority of packaged flours have already been sieved, shipment frequently causes them to shake up and move about. It's always wise to sift again before measuring as a precaution.

Use the spoon and scrape technique for absolute accuracy. After adding the sieved flour to the cup, use a spoon to scrape off any extra flour. For baking recipes and pastries like cakes and muffins, this is crucial.

measuring cups for liquids

Liquid measuring cups are used when the ingredient is a fluid or liquid. These are used to measure cups, ounces, and millimetres and can be found in glass or plastic. This is excellent for dividing up soup or chilli.

How many ounces of liquid are in a cup?

The next time you measure out ounces for a cup, keep these measurements in mind:

  • 8 fluid ounces or 16 tablespoons make up a cup.
  • 34 cup equals 6 fluid ounces and 12 tablespoons.
  • 4 fluid ounces, 8 tablespoons equal one-half cup.
  • 14 cup equals 2 fluid ounces and 4 tablespoons.
  • 4.5 dry weight ounces are in a cup. (It applies to dry substances like flour)
Please be aware that not all ingredient amounts are same. For instance, the measurement would be different whether you needed 4 ounces of coconut milk to make a smoothie or 4 ounces of chocolate chips to make chocolate chip cookies.

Since dry and liquid ounces are not equivalent, you should measure dry materials by weight. We measure components in fluid ounces if they are liquid.

Before preparing any dish, carefully verify the ingredients and precisely measure because there is a noticeable difference between fluid and dry ounces.
How many dry ounces are in a cup?

Unlike liquid ingredients, a cup of a dry ingredient will contain different ounces. The measurement with dry ingredients directly depends on the type of the ingredient. 

Here are some examples of common ingredients and how much they differ-

  • 1 cup of fresh parsley = 1 ounce
  • 1 cup of flour = 4 ¼ ounces
  • Air popped popcorn = 3 ounces
  • Chocolate chips = 6 ounces
Fluid or liquid volume (Liquid vs dry measuring cups)
Volume and liquid fluid are measured differently.

 Below is a useful comparison:

  • US Standard = Metric for liquids (approximate)
  • 1/8 teaspoon equals 0.5 mL, 1/4 teaspoon 1.2 mL, 1/2 teaspoon 2.5 mL, and 1/4 teaspoon 3.7 mL
  • 1 teaspoon is equal to 1.3 tablespoons is equal to 5.0 mL.
  • 1 tablespoon is equal to 3 teaspoons, which are equal to 15 mL and 15 cc.
  • 6 teaspoons are equal to 30 mL, 14 cup is equal to 2 fluid ounces, which is equal to 4 tablespoons, which is equal to 59 mL.
  • 34 cup equals 2 23 fluid ounces, 5 tablespoons, and 1 teaspoon, or 79 millilitres.
  • 8 tablespoons = 118 mL; 8 fluid ounces = 1/2 cup
  • 34 cup = 6 fluid ounces = 12 tablespoons = 177 mL 23 cup = 5 13 fluid ounces = 10 tablespoons + 2 teaspoons
  • 1 cup is 8 fluid ounces, a half-pint, 16 tablespoons, and 237 millilitres.
  • 24 tablespoons = 24 fluid ounces = 1 12 cups = 355 millilitres
  • 2 cups equals 16 ounces, 1 pint, 32 tablespoons, and 473 millilitres.
  • 700 mL is equal to three cups.
  • 4 cups equals 32 fluid ounces, 1 quart equals 946 ml, and 1 litre.
  • 8 cups = 1/2 gallon = 2 litres
  • 1 gallon equals 128 ounces of liquid, 8 pints, 4 quarts, 3785 ml, and 4 litres.

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